Achieving publication used to be the ultimate goal for any author. These days, with so much published literature available online, that’s only part of the story – you still need to ensure your work is found, read and cited.
We have partnered with Kudos, a free, web-based service that provides easy-to-use tools and advice to help you maximise your work’s visibility. You can also monitor the impact of your activities on citations, downloads and altmetrics (discussion of your work in the media, social media, and policy documents). Best of all, Kudos has been shown to increase publication downloads by more than 20%.*
How does Kudos benefit me?
- Higher readership and increased visibility and impact for publications (all traffic generated by Kudos is directed via DOI linking to the full text version of your work).
- An easy-to-use toolkit, supporting the addition of enriched metadata and contextual information to maximise discoverability of articles.
- Guidance and support on how to use both traditional and social media to raise awareness of articles.
- Access to article-level metrics from multiple publishers, altmetrics, and citation data, allowing you to assess the impact of your actions.
- Access to benchmarking tools, so that you can quickly compare your activity against your peers.
*Based on a comparison of median average downloads for publications in a control group (where authors had not explained or shared the work via Kudos) against those in the treatment group, which had used Kudos. The study was carried out by independent analysts at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communications and Information at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.