Big Data Technologies and Applications in Web 3.0: Trends and Challenges

Submissions open 10th October 2023


The World Wide Web has paved the path for the Internet revolution transforming the way to access various resources on the Internet over the past three decades and is soon into its third generation (termed Web 3.0). The integration of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology creates a more intelligent, decentralised, and user-focused Internet. It is essential to establish a comprehensive understanding of how immense amounts of structured and unstructured data generated by users, devices, and applications in Web 3.0 can be analysed to intelligently provide secure and personalized web experiences based on their interests and preferences, this special issue invites original research from the following fields:

List of topic areas

  • Hardware and Software solutions for Big Data Searching,
  • Storing and Management in Web 3.0,
  • Data Visualization and Visual Analytics in Web 3.0,
  • Natural Language Processing in Big Texts in Web 3.0,
  • Biomedical Imaging Pre-processing and Analysis in Web 3.0,
  • Structured and Unstructured Data Mining in Web 3.0,
  • Deep Learning Architecture,
  • Representations,
  • Unsupervised and Supervised algorithms in Web 3.0,
  • Scalable Computational Intelligence Tools in Web 3.0,
  • Novel Computational Intelligence Approaches for Data Analysis in Web 3.0,
  • Evolutionary and Bio-inspired Approaches for Big Data Analysis in Web 3.0,
  • New Domains and Novel Applications Related to Big Data Technologies in Web 3.0,
  • Educational Data Mining. Learning Analysis in Web 3.0,
  • Artificial Intelligence in Education,
  • Medical Informatics in Web 3.0,
  • Information Systems Security in Web 3.0,
  • Meta Heuristic Optimization in Web 3.0,
  • Blockchain Technologies in Web 3.0.

Submissions information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Author guidelines must be strictly followed.

Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”.

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Submit your paper!

Author guidelines

Key deadlines

Opening date for manuscripts submissions: 10/10/2023

Closing date for manuscripts submission: 30/09/2024