Compassion Focused Therapy for Working With People Who Harm

Guest editor(s)
Kerensa Hocken,

Submit your paper here!


Trauma informed paradigms increasingly understand that criminogenic need comes from adversity and trauma informed working is becoming a consideration in addressing human harmfulness. The aim of this issue is to introduce Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) as a diverse trauma informed approach to guide forensic work. Although not designed with forensic work in mind, it has obvious application to forensic work as it seeks to understand and reduce human harmfulness and build pro-social and affiliative capacities. CFT is most well known as a therapeutic approach, but it is a paradigm in its own right, offering a way of thinking that guides a compassionate ‘how’ of forensic work and thus can help to build rehabilitative mind sets in staff working in secure settings. This means it has more to offer trauma informed working than a single therapeutic approach alone. Drawing from contributors working across a range of forensic services, this edition will outline the diversity of its application, beyond that of a trauma informed therapy, to demonstrate its utility as a risk reducing intervention, as a model of staff support, building and sustaining rehabilitative environments, guiding service philosophy and frameworks and as a means of risk formulation. It will have a heavy emphasis on using CFT in applied settings to provide readership the opportunity to begin to incorporate CFT and the theory underneath it into their current practice.

List of Topic Areas

  • Developing trauma informed forensic environments;
  • Developing service frameworks;
  • Supporting staff and developing compassionate mind sets;
  • Therapy in different modalities (group, 1-1);
  • Different client populations;
  • CFT based risk formulation; and
  • CFT based risk reducing interventions.

Submissions Information

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Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Key Deadlines

Abstract opening date: 1st August 2023
Abstract closing date: 30th October 2023
Full manuscripts open: 1st November 2023
Full manuscripts close: 1st June 2024

Email for abstract submissions: [email protected]