Examining the Evolution of IP Systems and Technology Catchup in Asian Countries



The technological catchup of Asian countries has been well documented across several industries, including consumer electronics, ICT, and recently, the electric vehicle and pharmaceutical sectors, and the factors behind, such as FDI and industrial policies, have been widely studied. However, the contribution of the intellectual property (IP) system to this catchup has yet to be thoroughly explored, considering the diverse nature of countries and industries. In recent years, many Asian nations have been revising their IP policies, either to align with the international IP law trends or to promote national industrial strategies.

This Special Issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship seeks to delve deeper into the Evolution of IP Systems in Asian Countries and its effect on technological advancement in different industries, with the goal of gaining a comprehensive understanding of the long-term impact of IP policies and the behavior of innovators in different IP regimes.

Focus Areas and Research Queries

  • Potential topics for the Special Issue include but are not limited to:
  • IP system evolution in Asian Countries
  • Technological advancement in Asian countries in specific industries (ICT, EV, AI, pharmaceutical, etc.) and IP policies behind
  • Regional innovation hubs in Asian Countries
  • Innovation/IP strategies of key players in Asian innovation systems, including startups, state-owned enterprises, multinational corporations, universities, public institutes, non-practicing entities (NPEs)
  • New data to assess innovations in Asian countries

This special issue welcomes manuscripts from both empirical analyses and case studies, as well as high-quality review articles in the field.

Guest Editors

Professor Jianwei Dang
Tongji University

Professor Kazuyuki Motohashi
The University of Tokyo

Submissions Information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available by clicking the button below.

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Author guidelines must be strictly followed.

Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”. 

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.


Key deadlines

Deadline for submissions: April 15th, 2023.

The submissions will undergo a fast-track review process with prompt decisions, and the publication of the special issue is planned for June 2023.