Innovative methods for structural integrity and reliability assessment and material characterisation under environmental effect


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Available data from practice and case studies could often provide significant data input needed for analysis and assessment of failure of structures and its prevention during the exploitation period, which ensures security, reliability and safety of it. Still, with all disposable knowledge nowadays this could not be considered as a general rule. From the point of structural integrity (in general), cracks and defects in engineering structures could be researched by applying various scientific and engineering approaches, including classic mechanics approach, fracture mechanics approach, standard probabilistic and risk analysis methods used for wider application, etc. Standards and directives often provide conservative solutions during construction design, sometimes leading to too conservative and ineffective results, which end up with non-optimized structures. Complexity of new engineering structures, new materials application, and new technologies of manufacturing them impose the need for (some) different approach in structural integrity assessment, modification of existing ones or application of multidisciplinary methods involving several scientific and engineering disciplines as one. Taking into account the aforementioned, adequate material characterisation has an important role, especially if environmental effects are involved, making the problem of structural integrity and reliability assessment more complex. Depending on environmental effects, caution is paid to damage mechanism, including corrosion (which mostly refer to process equipment (as an example)). Heterogeneity of welded joint area in engineering structures, combined with environmental effects (or without them), adversely affect its service life as well. All aforementioned factors impose the need for reliable probabilistic methods of assessment of engineering structures, consisting of compromise solutions for fulfilment of technical / reliability / safety / economic requirements.

This special issue aims to include submissions concerning innovation and recent trends, multidisciplinary approach, as well as case studies, involving structural integrity assessment, risk analysis and safety of engineering structures while taking into account environmental effects, (used) material behaviour, its characterisation, and the specificity of the structure itself. List of topic areas of interest for this special issue is provided in further text.


List of topic areas


  • Structural integrity approach on engineering structures: development and recent trends
  • Methods for reliability and probabilistic safety assessment
  • Investigation on structural integrity of engineering structures under specific loading condition
  • Environmental effect concerning structural integrity and material characterisation
  • Mechanical characterisation of engineering materials under various temperatures
  • Structural integrity of composite materials and structures made of it
  • FEM and analytical modelling of failure under various loading conditions
  • Fracture mechanics approach in structural integrity assessment
  • Welding and welding structures as a specific problem: damage analysis, environmental effects and specificity


Guest Editors

Branislav Djordjevic,
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia
[email protected]

Simon Sedmak,
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia
[email protected]


Submissions Information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available by clicking the button below.

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Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”. 

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.


Key Deadlines

Closing date for manuscripts submission: 15 April 2024