Mechanical properties and structural integrity of metallic alloys and structures fabricated via additive manufacturing


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The body of work in metal additive manufacturing is experiencing a continuous growth over the past ten years, with an increasing focus on mechanical performance of parts produced via this method. Moreover, the industry is receiving an increasing support from organisations developing standards for the mechanical properties’ qualification. Particularly, in the biomedical and aerospace sector there is substantial work taking place on how we can better understand and consequently optimise the way additively manufactured parts are produced, and most importantly, on how the produced parts can be qualified and certified for various engineering applications. The present special issue invites submissions reporting both research findings and review the state-of-the-art on issues pertain to the structural integrity of metallic materials and parts manufactured via additive manufacturing techniques (i.e. via powder bed fusion, direct energy deposition, material extrusion, etc). An indicative list of topic areas of interest, for which high quality submissions are sought, is provided for reference. 


List of topic areas


  • Mechanical characterisation of additively manufactured alloys under normal/low/elevated temperatures
  • Investigation of micro-meso-macro scale effects on mechanical properties
  • Mechanical anisotropy and relation with microstructural characteristics
  • Elastoplastic performance of materials and structures: Experimental and computational analysis
  • Modelling and prediction of failure under various loading conditions
  • Fatigue prediction via probabilistic techniques
  • Lattice structures: Experimental and computational evaluation, optimisation and failure analysis
  • Fatigue resistant materials and designs: Development, validation and predictive tools
  • Aerospace applications: Case studies, qualification and certification of alloys and parts
  • Biomedical applications: Case studies, qualification and certification of alloys and parts


Guest Editors

Dr Kyriakos I. Kourousis
University of Limerick, Ireland
[email protected]

Prof Radim Halama
Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
[email protected]


Submissions Information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available by clicking the button below.

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Author guidelines must be strictly followed.

Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”. 

Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.


Key deadline

Closing date for manuscripts submission: 15 May 2024