Promoting Sustainable Impact: Perspectives from the Middle East on UNGC and PRME


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This special issue titled "Promoting Sustainable Impact: Perspectives from the Middle East on UNGC and PRME" serves as a platform for scholarly inquiry and discourse on sustainable development and responsible management practices in the Middle East. By focusing on the principles and initiatives of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), this special issue aims to explore the unique challenges, opportunities, and perspectives shaping sustainable impact in the region. 
The Middle East, characterized by its diverse socio-economic, cultural, and political landscape, faces significant environmental, social, and economic challenges that necessitate innovative and sustainable solutions. Against this backdrop, this special issue seeks to advance understanding and generate insights into the application and adaptation of UNGC and PRME principles within the Middle Eastern context. 
The aims of this special issue are multi-faceted. Firstly, it aims to promote sustainable development in the Middle East by examining how businesses, organizations, and academic institutions integrate sustainability principles into their operations and decision-making processes. Through in-depth analyses and case studies, contributors to this special issue will shed light on the efforts and initiatives aimed at addressing environmental degradation, social inequality, and economic disparities in the region. Secondly, this special issue seeks to delve into the principles and initiatives of the UNGC and PRME, assessing their impact on societies in the Middle East. By exploring the implementation of these frameworks in various sectors and industries, contributors will evaluate their effectiveness in driving sustainable practices and fostering responsible management education. 
Moreover, this special issue aims to showcase the unique perspectives, experiences, and challenges faced by stakeholders in the Middle East concerning sustainable impact and corporate responsibility. Through empirical research, qualitative analyses, and practitioner insights, contributors will provide a comprehensive overview of the factors influencing sustainable development efforts in the region. Collaboration and knowledge exchange are also central to the objectives of this special issue. By encouraging dialogue and sharing best practices among researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and educators interested in sustainable development and responsible management, this special issue seeks to foster a collective approach towards addressing shared challenges. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, contributors will explore innovative solutions and strategies for promoting sustainability in the Middle East. 
Furthermore, this special issue aims to contribute valuable insights and recommendations that can inform both policymaking and business practices in the Middle East. By synthesizing research findings and offering actionable recommendations, contributors will provide guidance for policymakers, businesses, and academic institutions seeking to adopt more sustainable and responsible approaches to development and management. 
In conclusion, "Promoting Sustainable Impact: Perspectives from the Middle East on UNGC and PRME" represents a concerted effort to advance knowledge and understanding of sustainable development and responsible management practices in the Middle East. Through rigorous scholarship, interdisciplinary collaboration, and stakeholder engagement, this special issue aims to catalyze positive change and contribute to the collective efforts towards a more sustainable and prosperous future for the region.

List of Topic Areas

  • Application and Adaptation of UNGC and PRME Principles in the Middle East 
  • Corporate Responsibility and Ethical Leadership Practices in the Middle East 
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Impact in the Middle East 
  • Education and Capacity Building for Sustainable Development in the Middle East 
  • Environmental Conservation and Climate Action Initiatives in the Middle East 
  • Social Impact and Community Engagement Strategies in the Middle East 
  • Policy Innovation and Regulatory Frameworks Supporting Sustainable Development in the Middle East 
  • Integrating UNGC and/or PRME Principles into Urban Development and Infrastructure Planning in the Middle East 
  • Embedding UNGC and/or PRME Principles in Agricultural Practices and Food Supply Chains in the Middle East 
  • Implementing UNGC and/or PRME Principles in Renewable Energy Initiatives and Energy Management Strategies in the Middle East 
  • Incorporating UNGC and/or PRME Principles into Sustainable Tourism Practices and Cultural Heritage Conservation in the Middle East 
  • Healthcare Sustainability/ price management/ patients access to resources/ quality of healthcare system in the Middle East 
  • Sustainable Business Issues related to Sustainability Skill Development (such as HR, AI, social, economic, and political issues, etc.) in the Middle East

Submissions Information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available here.
Author guidelines must be strictly followed. Please see here.
Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to ““Please select the issue you are submitting to”. 
Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Key Deadlines

30th March: submissions open
30th April: abstracts deadline

Email for abstract submissions: [email protected]
30th September: submissions close
30th March: final acceptance.