Special issue: Learner Centered Emerging Technologies


Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning
The Special issue Innovative Teaching and Learning; Learner Centered Emerging Technologies

As we embrace increasingly frequent waves of digital transformation it is prescient to ask fundamental questions about how these tools will reshape the way we teach and learn. Academia has a unique opportunity to reimagine itself, to place healthy learning at the center of virtual design. In efforts to offer counsel to business drivers and to empower our community with all forms of digital literacy, JRITL would like to offer this special issue with a specific focus; answering the question of how we, as a community, can leverage emerging technologies (AI and the Metaverse as the biggest headliners) as tools for powerfully supported Social Emotional Learning (SEL) experiences. 

Let’s thread the needle between dystopian and utopian futures by taking a hard and realistic look at what we already understand about good education. Then let’s adapt those understandings to virtual spaces filled with virtual voices. This issue asks us to explore these rapidly evolving spaces with equal parts curiosity, imagination, and academic rigor. Let us predict the needs of our learners as they enter spaces increasingly curated by digital supervision so that we can highlight the most promising paths forward. 

Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching and Learning (JRIT&L) will publish a special issue in June 2024 titled “Innovative Teaching and Learning; Learner Centered Emerging Technologies”. We welcome your submission to seize this new opportunity and address the challenge. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, educational innovations in policy, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, technology, disposition, and equity. Special consideration will be given to work focusing on the intersection of emerging technologies and student welfare constructs such as SEL and DEI. We are looking for scholarly writing that places the student’s experience at the heart of educational technology. 

Manuscript Preparation 
Manuscripts should be single-spaced and Maximum 6,000 words in length, text formatted as 12-point Times New Roman and submitted as a Microsoft Word document. 

Review Procedures 
All manuscripts are subject to double blind peer review process. Manuscripts should not have been previously published nor be under consideration for publication in any other journal. 

The deadline for submission is March 31st , 2024. Interested contributors are invited to submit full papers to the JRIT&L system, selecting “Innovative teaching and learning under Metaverse and AI impact”. Editorial decisions will be made by April 30, 2024.

Submit your manuscript 

For questions relating to submission, please contact the guest editor, Dr. Brian Arnold at [email protected]