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The Journal of Enterprising Communities (JEC) publishes research that explores the dynamic relationships between individuals, communities, and their enterprises, viewing them as interconnected and co-evolving ecosystems where each element relies on the others to achieve sustainable impact. It presents studies that examine how entrepreneurship-based processes and outcomes can shape and be shaped by individuals, groups and contexts. The journal serves as a pluralist forum, showcasing diverse communities, perspectives and analytical techniques.

ISSN: 1750-6204
eISSN: 1750-6212

Aims and scope

The Journal of Enterprising Communities (JEC) fosters a comprehensive understanding of how enterprising initiatives and entrepreneurial behaviors drive sustainable development across diverse communities worldwide. The journal addresses critical challenges and opportunities in achieving prosperity, recognizing the interconnected dimensions of cultural, social, economic, and environmental factors. These challenges unfold across macro (global and policy), meso (organizational and community), and micro (individual and behavioral) levels, creating a dynamic space for interdisciplinary research at the intersection of development, entrepreneurship, and sustainability studies.

The common thread creating intersections is the community, broadly conceived as a dynamic network of individuals, families, and organizations united by shared values, goals, or challenges, where collaboration, agency, and mutual support empower members to address common needs and create opportunities for business venturing and self-employment. In enterprising communities, this network fosters innovation, knowledge-sharing, and growth through entrepreneurial leadership and strategic partnerships, strengthening both the community and its impact on broader economic and social systems. JEC invites rigorous empirical, conceptual, and review articles, alongside illustrative case studies.

From a macro perspective, the journal examines global frameworks and policy-driven approaches influencing community development, including sustainable development goals, environmental policies, and technological advancements. On the meso level, the journal places emphasis on the unique role of local ecosystems and organizational structures that support entrepreneurship and its interconnections with communities. These ecosystems, encompassing local institutions, networks, and resources, are essential in facilitating inclusive entrepreneurship, social innovation, and enterprise resilience. The journal highlights the importance of diverse forms of entrepreneurship, including traditional enterprises, social enterprises, community-driven ventures, family businesses, marginalized and underrepresented communities (e.g. persons with disabilities, migrants, seniors, etc.), and social resilience. At the micro level, the journal focuses on the behavioral aspects of entrepreneurship within communities, particularly in how individuals and groups identify opportunities and innovate to solve pressing issues. JEC seeks to deepen the discourse on entrepreneurial psychology and behavior in diverse and complex settings.

Globally and inclusively oriented, the journal’s scope is designed to capture the rich diversity of enterprising communities in rural, urban, and remote areas alike, and it reflects an open invitation to research that addresses the unique socio-economic challenges faced by entrepreneurs. From communities recovering from conflict and economic disruption to those preserving traditional cultures while engaging in modern enterprise, JEC provides a platform for understanding how enterprise can transform communities across a broad spectrum of geographic, social, economic and virtual contexts.

This title is aligned with our responsible management goal

We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, policymakers and organisations who share our goals of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working.

SDG 1 No poverty
SDG 2 Zero hunger
SDG 8 Decent work & economic growth
SDG 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
SDG 11 Sustainable cities & communities
SDG 12 Responsible consumption & production
SDG 13 Climate action
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