Blog Post: Peter Krykant & UK drug consumption rooms – is their time finally here?

Drugs, Habits and Social Policy

Martin Powell, Head of Partnerships for Transform Drug Policy Foundation, provides comment on Emerald’s Real World Impact blog about the drug policy activist Peter Krykant and UK drug consumption rooms.

"I met Peter Krykant exactly one year ago when he visited a Mock-up Safer Drug Consumption Room (DCR) that Transform had brought to the Scottish Government’s Drug Death Summit in Glasgow. He was tired, and exasperated that while there had been yet more talk, there had been no action. The local NHS and others had done great work towards opening a DCR in Glasgow, including winning all-party support on the City Council. However, the proposal was still foundering because Scotland’s chief legal officer - the Lord Advocate - was still failing to provide the prosecution waiver needed to prevent police arresting people using it or working in it. The Scottish Government was blaming the Westminster (i.e. UK) government, saying that the Misuse of Drugs Act needed changing or devolving - something the UK Government refused to do. It had become a game of political football while lives were being lost

To read more: Peter Krykant & UK drug consumption rooms – is their time finally here?