Journal of Financial Economic Policy - Literati Award Winners 2020

Journal of Financial Economic Policy

We are pleased to announce our 2020 Literati Award winners.

Outstanding Paper
Banking crises and business cycle: evidence for Italy(1861-2016)
Silvana Bartoletto, Bruno Chiarini, Elisabetta Marzano, Paolo Piselli

Highly Commended Paper
The relationship between risk, capital and efficiency in Indian banking: Does ownership matter?
Sanjukta Sarkar, Rudra Sensarma, Dipasha Sharma

The underbanked phenomena
Xiaoyan Xu

The effect of symmetric and asymmetric information on volatility structure of crypto-currency markets: A case study of bitcoin currency
Anwar Hasan Abdullah Othman, Syed Musa Alhabshi, Razali Haron

Outstanding Reviewer
Yanfei Sun 
Daniel Smith