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Competition duration – 7 October 2019 to 7 November 2019
- The quiz is open to selected institutions in Hong Kong and Macau.
- Click on the hint in each question to access the related article. Open its PDF to reveal page numbers. This will make finding the answers easier!
- The quiz is open from 7 October 2019 to 7 November 2019.
- Answer all 5 questions correctly to submit your entry.
- All participants with correct answers will be automatically entered into a lucky draw for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize.
- The winners will be notified via email.
- One entry per person. Those who enter multiple times will be eliminated from the lucky draw.
First prize: Kindle paperwhite 4 (8G) X1
Second prize: urBeats3 Earphones X1
Third Prize: LAMY Safari Fountain Pen X1
For more information, please contact: 如有任何問題,請洽:
Lung-Hsun Sun (Ms) 孫瓏珣 ([email protected])