The future of Knowledge Exchange: the role of KEF in developing ‘the third mission’ podcast

The Knowledge Exchange Framework, or KEF, asks universities to think about how they evaluate and communicate their third mission: the process of sharing of ideas, research skills and experience with the wider world through knowledge exchange.

KEF was announced in 2017 and has fostered a lot of lively debate within the higher education community ever since.

To understand more about KEF, we asked three knowledge exchange professionals to take us through the development of KEF’s first iteration, its role in helping universities understand their own performance and the implications for universities and researchers.

Speaker profiles

Hamish McAlpine is the Head of Knowledge Exchange data and Evidence at Research England, working on KEF, HEIF and all other things KE metrics. You can find him on twitter @hamish_mcalpine

Helen Lau is the knowledge exchange manager at Coventry University and Non-Executive Director at Hope for the Community CI.  She recently led the process of their submission to KEF at Coventry. You can find her on twitter @HelenLau_CU

Chris Hewson is Faculty Research Impact Manager (Social Sciences) at the University of York supporting on all aspects of research impact. He also manages the Economic and Social Research Council Impact Accelerator Account (the York ESRC IAA). He is always keen to hear from those interested in collaborating with social science researchers. You can find him on twitter @c_d_hewson

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  • We outline what KEF is, why it’s important now and what KEF aims to do
  • What institutions can hope to gain from KEF’s dashboard approach to metrics
  • How institutions have found the process of writing the narrative statements for KEF
  • What KEF means for researchers and its relationship with the Knowledge Exchange concordat
  • The implications of KEF for funding

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