Our impact

We launched Real Impact to help our research communities see the impact of their work. Read more about our manifesto for change and how we demonstrate our commitment to impact through our research, products and our Real Impact Awards.

Real Impact

Research that has real world impact goes beyond citation counts and makes a difference. It’s about communities joining together to find solutions that result in positive change.

We refer to impact as the provable effects of research in the real world. We appreciate it’s not always easy for academics and researchers to see the impact of their work. That’s why we’ve launched ‘Real Impact’ to aid the cause and call on research communities to come together and break down barriers.

Committed to creating real impact

Sustainable Development Goals

We publish research that challenges conventional thinking and delivers real impact in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Explore our content in these key areas. 


Supporting all forms of open research

We are passionate about supporting all forms of open research and aim to make research more discoverable and accessible to all.


Impact resources

What counts as impact?

The word impact is used in many ways across the national and international research sector. For Emerald, and for many key partners, impact is the provable effects of research in the real world.


Demonstrating the real impact of research

We believe our role is to help researchers tell their story in a more meaningful way. Read some examples of the true impact of research in the real world.

View case studies

Real Impact Awards

Our Real Impact Awards celebrate the commitment to impact by the research community across the globe.

View awards

Real Impact Advisory Board

Implemented in 2018, Emerald’s Impact Advisory Board was established to support the research community and help us play a key role in furthering the impact agenda. The Impact Advisory Board works to bring our communities together and break down the barriers to real-world change.

The Impact Advisory Board includes representatives from all areas of the research community, who contribute their understanding and perspectives to foster diverse and varying discussions on the impact debate.

Real impact blogs

We believe everyone can make a real impact – read our blogs or join our conversations and help bring your research to life. Together we can make a difference.

Opinion and Blog

Publisher’s pick: Engineering solutions for sustainable development

Discover how civil engineering intersects with the United Nations' (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with our carefully curated publisher's…

31st May 2024

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Opinion and Blog

GenAI is here to stay. Now let’s get on with it!

In this blog, Mike O’Dea, University of York and Xianghan O’Dea, Kings College London discuss the impact of Generative AI (GenAI) on education.

28th May 2024

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Opinion and Blog

Thinking, planning, and acting as policy-makers: Learning and teaching of policy-making in a social science class

In his blog, Mr. Adrian LAM Man-Ho discusses learning and teaching of policy-making in a social science class

28th May 2024

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Opinion and Blog

Why circularity matters in construction

Setting the scene on circular construction is expert Dr Patricia Kio, an Assistant Professor at the Engineering Technology Department, Fitchburg…

26th April 2024

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Opinion and Blog

Towards a resource-efficient and future-proof built environment

TU Delft researchers, Mohammad Hamida, Hilde Remøy and Vincent Gruis, reflect on the circular building adaptability concept and their ongoing…

17th April 2024

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Opinion and Blog

Implementing modular construction systems in developing countries

Abdulkabir Opeyemi Bello, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria, and Dr Ayaz Ahmad Khan, University of South Australia, examine the…

17th April 2024

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Opinion and Blog

Measuring project circularity in construction

Dr Mohamed Abadi, University of Manchester, and Dr David R Moore, Robert Gordon University, bring together their expertise in different areas to…

17th April 2024

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Opinion and Blog

When psychology meets economics to empower healthy citizens

Adopting a holistic approach while incorporating principles of behavioural economics into public health initiatives, and into food and healthcare…

10th April 2024

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Opinion and Blog

World Social Work Day 2024: shared future for transformative change and health citizenship

World Social Work Day is observed every year on March 19th to raise awareness about the importance of social work and to celebrate the invaluable…

10th April 2024

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Opinion and Blog

How do we embed a co-production strategy with health citizens to improve health and social care?

Health citizens play a vital role in improving the quality of life for people who use health and social care services. The concept has gained…

10th April 2024

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See all our blogs

We are proud to drive positive change. We aim to deliver real impact. We care about doing the right things to build a better, more sustainable future for all.

Richard Bevan, Emerald Group CEO

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Our stance

Whether it’s the future of research assessment, open access or finding new ways make research be more accessible & discoverable, we want to influence positive change.


Our commitment

Being a responsible business is at the heart of everything we do. We believe in taking responsibility and working collaboratively with our partners, communities and colleagues to make a positive impact on a local and global scale. 
