Behavioural aspects of mobilising on Scope 3 emissions


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Scope 3 emissions typically account for between 60-90% of an organisation’s total carbon footprint. After fuels, refrigerants and energy use, Scope 3 is everything else categorised across 15 sub categories of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol; from business travel to investments, purchases to use of products. Accessing relevant data and subsequently acting to reduce these emissions is proving to be difficult. This challenge is compounded as most of the data required resides outside of the operational boundary of the reporting organisation. Key to addressing this is engagement across the value chain. 

The aim of this special is to provide insight into the behavioural aspects, particularly where they relate to actively engaging and mobilising on this as an activity or not, that influences the management, analysis and reduction of Scope 3 emissions to inform practice. Focussed on the intersection of people, governance, data, digital technology and supply chains, it aims to explore how human behaviour—both individual and collective—impacts the ability of organisations to identify, measure, and reduce these emissions.


List of topic areas

The special issue is open to any methodological approach within the scope of JRPC including but not limited to case studies, large-scale surveys, industry studies, field and laboratory experiments, and interventionist approaches including design science and action research. Papers exploring best practices through case studies with primary or secondary data are welcome. We encourage authors to submit papers that are practitioner based and the editors are particularly interested to understand approaches to manage upstream emissions. Research topics may include, but are not limited to: 

  • Behavioural Drivers and Barriers: What motivates or hinders organisations and individuals in addressing Scope 3 emissions? How do cognitive biases, organisational inertia, and social norms influence the adoption of sustainable practices? 
  • Organisational Design and Governance: How do businesses shape the approach to Scope 3 emissions within their organisations? What design and governance transformations are necessary to prioritise and effectively manage these emissions? 
  • Change management: Typically transformation initiatives have a low success rate against initial objectives, is this the same for Scope 3 emissions? Are there best practices or organisations like Schneider Electric and CBRE that are progressing on the journey? 
  • Digital Technology: What role does technology play in managing Scope 3 emissions across the supply chain? How can technology enhance effective stakeholder engagement to deliver improved measurement and reduction strategies? 
  • Data: What role does data play in managing and reducing scope 3 emissions? How does data differ across the value chain? How can supplier data be shared and verified?
  • Reporting: as an activity that serves to draw insights and management actions versus a “minimal” compliance objective and seeks merely to provide an obligation. 
  • Legal / confidentiality / collusion: Why are some industries better at collaboration on Scope 3 emissions? What are the legal issues? Why should suppliers share confidential information on their supply chains to their customers? 
  • Policy Implications, Regulatory Pressures and Geographic Boundaries: How are policies and regulations shaping the management of Scope 3 emissions? What are the implications for compliance, reporting, and competitive advantage? How are international boundaries impacting scope 3 collaboration? 
  • Consumer & Supplier Behaviour: In what ways do consumer/supplier preferences and behaviours impact Scope 3 emissions? How can organisations engage consumers/suppliers to foster more sustainable consumption patterns? 
  • Innovative Approaches: What new methodologies and technologies are emerging for measuring, reporting, and reducing Scope 3 emissions? How can innovation drive progress in this area? 


Guest Editors

Dr Andy Hale: Andy is Co-Founder and CEO of xtonnes, a decarbonisation software for product-led businesses. A former Assistant Professor in Engineering and Entrepreneurship at the University of Exeter UK, he has also held positions as an engineering and management consultant, with experience working across strategy, supply chain innovation, technology commercialisation and sustainability. 

Luciana Salvatore: Luciana is the leader of the Sustainable Value Chain Management Committee at a Brazilian biodiesel provider. As Sustainable Procurement and Scope 3 Lead, she engages suppliers, coordinates the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) process for biodiesel, and spearheads the company's comprehensive Scope 3 inventory. With nearly 20 years of engineering and project management, Sustainable Supply Chain, and Scope 3 expertise, Luciana is also developing new low-carbon raw-materials supply chains and bio-based marine fuels. 
Mat Langley: Mat is the Global Head of Procurement for Sustainability, where the focus is on decarbonising the supply chain and circular economy, supplier diversity and responsible procurement at CBRE, the largest Real Estate company globally. Prior to this Mat was the Global Head of Procurement Operations, Technology and Transformation, where he initially started building the ESG program. Mat gained an MSc in Sustainable Development over 15 years ago and while has focused on a procurement career, has been supporting various sustainability and social programs while in oil and gas, IT outsourcing, financial services and now real estate industries. 

Submissions information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available by clicking the button below.
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Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”. 
Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Key Deadlines

Opening date for manuscripts submissions: 1 June 2024
Closing date for abstract submission: 30 September 2024