Call for Papers: Special Issue on ‘Crisis Management in Disturbed Economic and Political Worlds’

Guest editor(s)


Review of Economics and Political Science (REPS) invites papers for a Special Issue on ‘Crisis Management in Disturbed Economic and Political Worlds’.

Political and Economic crises impose challenges for communities, political systems, regional networks, economies, and world trade. How can these crises be understood, and which available courses of actions can be suggested? Against this backdrop of global instability, management of economic and political crises is more crucial than ever.

Climate change, unequal development, poverty, increasing debts, fears of recessions, unstable energy prices and financial problems are challenges faced by countries and regimes, often in an unequal manner. Digitalization, though a promising booster for economic growth and financial inclusion, also presents challenges in terms of online privacy, potential displacement of workers and market abuse and fraud.

Middle East nations in particular and countries globally have been affected by the Israel-Gaza crisis, as well as the subsequent threat of disease and famine. The economies and political systems of Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon are in crisis with fragile legal systems, civil wars, corruption and large flows of migrants. The two-year old Russia-Ukraine conflict has disturbed and disrupted energy markets, food prices and supply chains through Europe and neighbouring countries, while NATO enlargement and the inclusion of new members remain a sensitive issue for governments in this region. Political and economic instability has affected countries in Latin America and Africa, while economic tensions between US and China do and will continue to have significant effects on both countries and their respective allies. 

These are but a few examples of the scale current economic and political crises take.

Papers for this themed issue are invited to address the complexity of economic and political crises-management suggesting innovative ways to resolve geopolitical tensions and economic instability.

Although not limited to the following themes, papers might address: 
(1)    Political economy of crisis management and its implications for policy formation
(2)    Governance during times of crisis and conflict
(3)    Digital technology and innovation in managing economic crisis
(4)    Impact of global crises on selected sectors in developing and developed countries.
(5)    SDGs during times of crisis and uncertainty

REPS encourages researchers from the different disciplines of social sciences to submit abstracts of 300 words that tackles-in an interdisciplinary manner- any of the above themes and offer insights on how to understand selected crises of their choice and interest and the available courses of actions to encounter them.

The above-mentioned topics are neither exclusive nor exhaustive, as any other idea that tackles the wider theme of this call will be welcomed.

Finally, articles using quantitative/empirical methods with clearly demonstrated results will be prioritized.

Submissions Information 

Please send your 300 words abstract to [email protected] no later than 5 July 2024. Abstract email subject should be “REPS Crisis Management Special Issue”.  The abstract file should clearly mention the name(s), affiliation(s), Contact info of its author(s). Accepted abstracts will be notified by 15 July 2024.

The deadline for sending full papers is 15 September 2024. The word count must not exceed 9000 words including abstract, paper body, and list of references. For style guidelines, please check REPS guidelines on

All submitted papers will be subject to double anonymous peer review. Please note that REPS is a gold open access journal and accepted articles will be subject to REPS article processing charges (APC) (please see the journal homepage for more information, including APC waiver policy).

For any inquiries regarding this call for papers please consult Dr. Ramy Magdy, REPS Managing Editor and Assistant Professor of  Political Science at Cairo University ([email protected]) or Dr. Pakinam Fikry, REPS Managing Editor and Assistant Professor of Economics at Cairo University ([email protected])