Continuity & Resilience Review: Call for Submissions

Guest editor(s)


The Continuity & Resilience Review (CRR) is welcoming the submission of papers. 

CRR is designed to introduce scholars and specialists in particular disciplines to the latest thinking and research themes in other disciplines along the spectrum.

CRR provides a holistic perspective across resilience research and practice from all the contributing disciplines. As such it provides an authoritative and interdisciplinary perspective on a body of knowledge that is still developing. CRR specializes in presenting a wide spectrum of research including theoretical and applied studies, critical reviews, policy analyses, and case studies, prioritizing a multi-disciplinary approach.
We welcome submissions on the following themes, including but not exclusively: 

  • Organisational resilience
  • Disaster management & planning
  • Business continuity
  • Risk & crisis management 
  • Policy and practice

Submission Guidelines

To submit your research, please visit the journal’s ScholarOne website:

In preparing papers, authors are asked to follow the standard CRR Author Guidelines, which are available here.

If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact CRR's Editor, Ran Bhamra ([email protected]), or the journal’s Publisher, Richard Whitfield ([email protected]).