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Gas Transport in Clay Materials

Closing date for full manuscript submissions: 30th November 2024

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ENGE Upcoming Themed Issue

Submit your abstract by 31st July 2024


A themed issue of Environmental Geotechnics on “Gas transport in clay materials" is planned for 2025.

Owing to their excellent properties for the confinement of contaminants, clays are considered as potential host formations for geological disposal of radioactive waste in several countries across the world. Clay-based materials are also expected to be used in engineered barriers in most geological repository concepts under development.

Understanding the transport of gas produced by corrosion of metals, microbial degradation and radiolysis of water within the clayey materials is of importance for assessing the performance and long-term evolution of geological disposals of radioactive waste. For that purpose, innovative experiments and numerical developments are necessary to provide data and process-level models in support of the mechanistic understanding of transport processes in natural and engineered clayey materials, their couplings with the mechanical behaviour and their impact on the properties of these materials.

This special issue is designed to provide an overview of new developments, key findings and insights gained during the last years around the world in various international projects, as for instance in the GAS WP of the European Joint Programme EURAD. Contributions that explore topics related to the transport of gas in clayey materials from theoretical, experimental (laboratory and field) and/or numerical perspectives in the context of the geological disposal of radioactive waste are welcome.

The issue will concentrate on the characterisation of gas transport processes, their modelling and the consequences of gas at the scale of geological disposal facility, namely:

  • Diffusion of dissolved gas
  • Visco-capillary two-phase flow
  • Dilatant gas pathway
  • Self-sealing effects
  • Process-level models
  • Conceptualisation of gas transport at repository scale

List of topic areas

  • Transport of gas in natural and engineered clayey materials
  • Geological disposal of radioactive waste
  • Experiments
  • Numerical developments
  • Process-level models

Engineering practitioners and researchers engaged in any of these general topics are invited to submit abstracts by 31 July 2024. Relevant papers outside the main themes outlined above will also be considered.

Submissions information

Submit your abstract here by 31st July 2024

Author guidelines must be strictly followed

If your abstract is successful, you will be invited to submit your full paper here: Once you have registered, navigate to the journal that you wish to submit to. Choose article type "Themed Issue" and then the specific name from the drop-down menu on screen.

Key deadlines

Closing date for abstract submissions: 31st July 2024

Opening date for full manuscript submissions: 1st August 2024

Closing date for full manuscript submissions: 30th November 2024