How can civil engineering help us to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Guest editor(s)

Meshi Taka, Waterman Aspen, United Kingdom


 Frame from HS2 C1 shaft drone footage of Chalfont St Peter shaft in September 2022

Coleman and Thomas 2023

The Editorial Panel of Civil Engineering warmly invites authors to submit Papers on projects related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in 2015. They are a group of 17 integrated global goals designed as a ‘blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all’.

In 2023 the UN’s secretary general called for transformative action to get back on track meet the 2030 targets. The world is significantly behind schedule in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the 2030 deadline.

Civil engineers are crucial to deploying innovative, sustainable, and nature-based solutions to overcome global challenges and deliver the SDGs. As President Anusha Shah said in her presidential address: 

“We need to make our mission a personal one because what we plan, design and build will impact our own future generations. We need to disrupt the status quo and be bolder than we ever have been.”

Papers related to any UN Sustainable Development Goal will be considered. Authors are warmly invited to prepare 200-word proposals for Papers that address the following suggested topics:

  • Infrastructure Development

  • Resilient Infrastructure

  • Environmental Sustainability

  • Renewable Energy Projects

  • Transportation and Accessibility

  • Waste Management and Recycling

  • Partnerships and Collaboration

  • Innovation and research.


Deadline for abstract submission: 31 July 2024

Deadline for Paper submission: 1 October 2024


Interested authors are recommended to first read the journal homepage Author guidelines (using the provided MS Word template).  

Civil Engineering is the official Member journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers. It is indexed by Web of Science - SCIE and Scopus.

Submitted papers will be anonymously commented upon by other members of the civil engineering profession (peer review) – a process which maintains the high technical quality of the journal. Not all submitted papers are accepted. Proposals should include article title, authors and 200 words outlining the scope of the paper. 

ICE Publishing journals are committed to act as champions of the UN SDGs and to further the knowledge needed for them to be achieved in the civil engineering industry. You can find out more about them and our work towards meeting them in our UN SDG Resource Centre.

If you have a question about the journal, writing, peer review or any of the above, please contact the Commissioning Editor Benjamin Ramster.