Insights into Followership: Implications for Developing Effective Organizations


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We are pleased to share details of this special issue within the Journal of Management Development, focused on Followership. This issue will provide conceptual and empirical insights into the ways in which followership behaviours have impact, across a wide range of organisational contexts. It will encourage readers to consider the implications of followership development at individual, group and organisation levels, whilst also providing resources to embed this in practice. Through this, the issue will encourage readers to challenge their own and others thinking and to place emphasis on the importance of context for followership. 
This special issue is aligned with the 3rd Global Followership Conference (2024), reflecting the topicality of followership with academics, students and practitioners. We welcome submissions that are aimed at developing understandings and providing useful resources across this audience base. Themes that are covered might include: having impact through followership; understanding followership in context; group-level dynamics of followership; developing self and others for followership; and, integrating (and embracing) followership within development opportunities.

List of Topic Areas

  • Understanding followership in context; 
  • Group-level dynamics of followership; 
  • Developing the self and others for followership; 
  • Integrating (and embracing) followership within development opportunities.

Submissions Information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Registration and access are available here.
Author guidelines must be strictly followed. Please see here.
Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to ““Please select the issue you are submitting to”. 
Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Key Deadlines

Opening date for manuscripts submissions: 03/06/2024 
Closing date for manuscripts submission: 05/11/2024