Police Leaders & Leadership: International Perspectives

Submissions open 10th January 2024


Police reform has become a global topic of conversation. Explicit and implicit within debate and discussion of how to transform and reform police officers, organizations, cultures, and pathologies are police leaders and leadership. Despite the tacit and overt role police leaders and leadership play within efforts to change and improve policing, leaders and leadership remain understudied issues within the context of policing. Limited scholarship considers leaders, their attitudes/views, their behaviors, the styles/approaches they use, and the outcomes they achieve. This special issue will examine police leaders and leadership, drawing on research from scholars around the world. This global perspective will help identify commonalities and unique attributes of policing systems and leadership approaches and needs in different countries and regions. The aim of this special issue is to provide a platform that highlights the state of research on police leaders and leadership, while also demonstrating the need for further inquiry into the nature and influence of leadership within policing. The included articles will help illustrate both the common ground and unique aspects of leadership viewed through an international lens. Dialog about police leaders and leadership is of relevance in the classroom, in professional development programs, and within the research community. The special issue will be of utility in teaching courses on policing, management/administration, in dialog about police reform (i.e., communities and crime; crime, justice, and diversity; inequities in criminal justice; etc.), among members of the research community, and withing efforts to develop police personnel.

List of topic areas

  • The values, beliefs, and behaviors of police leaders.
  • How those behaviors might relate with policing outputs and outcomes.
  • How leaders seek to lead and influence police personnel and organizations.
  • How leadership skills can be developed and enhanced.
  • How police leaders view calls for reform and change in policing.
  • The role of leadership in reforming, transforming, and changing police organizations.
  • Global insights into how police leaders and leadership shape police outcomes and the operation and behavior of police organizations.

Submissions information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Author guidelines must be strictly followed.

Submit via ScholarOne

Author Guidelines

Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”. Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Key deadlines

Opening date for manuscripts submissions: 10/01/2024

Closing date for manuscripts submission: 01/05/2024

Closing date for abstract submission: 01/11/2023

Email for submissions: [email protected]