Safer Resorts, Safer Communities: tourism and crime

Guest editor(s)
Rob Mawby, Mine Ozascilar,

Submit your paper here!


Safer communities implies safer environments where people live and work. But with the expansion of the tourism industry more people are spending longer on vacation, including independent travellers and those staying in tourist resorts. The need to provide a safe environment is a key feature of the tourist industry, but one that is often implicit rather than explicit, as the industry treads the cautious line between ensuring tourists’ safety and avoiding the sort of reputation for crime, disorder and terrorism that might deter customers. Tourists who feel insecure or unsafe, whether due to the threat of crime, terrorism, or political unrest, are unlikely to opt for certain destinations, and if they feel unsafe on holiday are unlikely to return. This special issue aims to address theoretical concerning crime in resort areas, offending patterns, and tourists most at risk, and practical issues pertaining to making resorts safer for both residents and tourists, and minimising the harm suffered by victims.

List of Topic Areas

  • Crime and disorder in resorts. 
  • Public perceptions of safe and unsafe holiday destinations. 
  • The impact of security perceptions on tourist demand. 
  • Local residents’ perceptions of the impact of tourism on safety and security. 
  • Victimisation of tourists. 
  • Tourists as offenders 
  • Policing resorts. 
  • Helping tourist victims.

Submissions Information

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Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Key Deadlines

Closing: 31st Dec 2024