Technology Integration and Implementation in Policing

Submissions open 1st February 2024


In 1967, Dael Wolfe penned an editorial in Science arguing for better alignment of technology to impart operational and organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Realizing these goals necessitated aligning leadership, mission (philosophy), and capitalizing on triple helix partnerships. 50-years prior to that August Vollmer demonstrated the value of technology integration to impart these efficiencies and promote effectiveness placing science and technology as cornerstones of modern policing and 50-years post Wolfe, the 21st Century Taskforce Report featured technology as a critical pillar of police reform. Despite the rapid advancement of technology, research has primarily focused on documenting the initial implementation and immediate impacts of technology. There has been limited research examining the factors that affect the long-term integration and impact of technology on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole, especially as it relates to policing.

Breakthroughs in the fields of computer science, engineering, and mathematics have contributed to the rapid advancement of technology across police organizations, and public safety more broadly. Coupled with these breakthroughs is what Ackroyd et al. (1992) identified as a “entrepreneurial revolution” in policing with the increasing commercialization and commoditization of data. The resulting partnership has contributed to a wealth of research on the technical aspects of these technologies. The aim of this special issue is to shift the focus of research on technology and policing towards understanding the individuals and procedures involved in its implementation and integration. This issue invites manuscripts that investigate the results and impacts of technology, as well as the difficulties and opportunities associated with the adoption and assimilation of technologies. Additionally, the issue solicits research that highlight best practices and capture valuable lessons from collaborative efforts involving police organizations, community partners, industry stakeholders, and government agencies.

List of topic areas

  • Technology and public safety
  • The role of technology in policing
  • The challenges and opportunities of technology

Submissions information

Submissions are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts. Author guidelines must be strictly followed.

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Author Guidelines

Authors should select (from the drop-down menu) the special issue title at the appropriate step in the submission process, i.e. in response to “Please select the issue you are submitting to”. Submitted articles must not have been previously published, nor should they be under consideration for publication anywhere else, while under review for this journal.

Key deadlines

Opening date for manuscripts submissions: 01/02/2024

Closing date for manuscripts submission: 01/07/2024

Email for submissions: [email protected]