Web Intelligence (WI) for Human-Machine Interaction


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Special Issue Proposal on Web Intelligence (WI) for Human-Machine Interaction 

Overview of Special Issue:

Human Machine Interface is also known as an HMI. An HMI using Web Intelligence is a software application that presents information to an operator or user about the state of a process, and to accept and implement the operator's control instructions using web and AI. Typically, information is displayed in a graphic format (Graphical User Interface or GUI). Human–robot interaction is one of the most important topics today. This kind of cooperation needs a special set of IoT sensors or even sensor networks. Recently, significant improvements in these fields have been observed, and further experiments are still being planned or taking place already. However, some novel approaches are still needed—particularly, searching high-level results in shorter time and with lower computational complexity. Human-centered systems are playing a major role in every corner of the world for example, driverless car, autonomous and smart vehicles, drones, robotics etc. Internet of Things is also considered as the cornerstone to reshape the traditional manual systems in the industries. So, today’s IoT human-centered systems are not only serving the humanity in every field but also have made the lives of human being comfortable and convenient. In this technological era, it is important to design and develop automatic systems without much complexity and resource consumption in IoT systems. Hence, self-driven technologies, i.e., IoT, AI and Machine Learning (ML) have reshaped the modern HMI systems. 

The evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the nature of edge-computing devices. End nodes have to support, in place, an increasing range of functionality: multi-sensory data processing and analysis, complex systems control strategies, and, ultimately, artificial intelligence. These new capabilities will enable disruptive innovation in wearable and implantable biomedical devices, autonomous insect-sized drones, autonomous smart environmental sensing, safety-critical real-time applications and structural health monitoring, and more. Such innovative technologies have not only improved the human life but also radically changed the landscape of business models for providing services with ease and convenience. Human skills are further flexible and suitable ingredients to recognize the importance and significant roles of the built-in capabilities for interfacing and creating close-connection between human perception and technological innovations. Thus, this special issue focuses on the strong knot between human cognitive perceptions and decision-making capabilities in order to develop the innovative technologies that can revolutionize the human-centered systems in different ways. 

The Special Issue aims to include novel studies about Web AI, IoT (Internet of Things), Deep learning solutions and machine learning for Human – Machine Interaction.

Brief Highlights about this Special Issue: 

1. Includes IoT and new technologies for Human – Machine Interaction using Web AI which will be a novel and promising field approximately in 10 years,
2. Provide a state-of-the-art and give a comprehensive overview of the different IoT systems for Human – Machine Interaction.
3. Identify promising directions and future trends for those seeking to contribute and to the future literature in the field of Human – Machine Interaction using IoT Infrastructure.

Topics and Techniques

Submissions of papers describing original work in the following topics are enthusiastically encouraged.       

•    Personalized and remote healthcare for IoT-based Human-centered systems 
•    IoT-based Human-machine system using Web AI
•    Hardware-software design approaches for smart edge processing
•    Real-time and safety-critical smart edge sensors for industrial IoT
•    Web AI-based human computer interaction 
•    QoS/QoE optimization in IoT-based systems 
•    Re-enforcement learning for human healthcare 
•    Heterogeneous systems-on-chip and architecture for energy-efficient smart edge processing
•    Low-power analog and mixed signal computing, in-memory computing, and in-sensor computing
•    Edge machine-learning architectures dealing with sensor and signal variabilities
•    Neuro-symbolic and brain- and bio-inspired computing paradigms for edge processing
•    IO and peripherals for energy-efficient interfaces in edge-computing systems
•    Edge processing for biomedical IoT systems and human-machine interaction
•    Smart edge IoT devices for structural health monitoring and predictive maintenance
•    Self-centered and adaptive healthcare platforms for ambient assisted-living 
•    Efficient resource allocation in human-centered systems 
•    Adaptive technologies for pervasive and smart systems 
•    Energy-efficient, Pervasive and sustainable human centered based healthcare 

Significance Justification  

This special issue calls for high-quality unpublished research works on recent advances related to Intelligent Internet of things, big data analytics, and Deep learning approaches for Human – Machine Interaction. Contributions may present and solve open research problems, integrate efficient novel solutions, performance evaluation, and comparison with existing solutions. Theoretical as well as experimental studies for typical and newly emerging IoT and Deep learning, and use cases enabled by recent advances in Human – Machine Interaction. 


Open for submissions: 10 July 2024
Submission deadline: 15 December 2024
Notification of final decisions: 15 January 2025
Tentative publication:  March 2025

Guest Editor(s):

Dr. Rohit Sharma, Ph.D. 
ABES Engineering College,Ghaziabad, India
Email: [email protected] 
Web: https://sites.google.com/view/dr-rohit-sharma  

Prof. Qin Xin, Ph.D. 
Full Professor of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Faroe Islands, Denmark
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Ishaani Priyadarshini.
University of California, USA
Email - [email protected]

Prof. Sheng-Lung Peng, Ph.D. 
Professor, Department of Creative Technologies and Product Design, National Taipei University of Business, Taiwan
Honorary Professor, Beijing Information Science and Technology University.
Visiting Professor, Ningxia Institute of Science and Technology, China
Email: [email protected]