Emerald Insight
Access & authentication

Ensure full and continuous access to your Emerald Insight resources

Our priority is to enable full and continuous access to content on Emerald Insight for users – whenever and wherever they choose.

To make access as simple and seamless as possible, we support a range of on-and off-campus authentication methods.

Visit Emerald Insight


The below information is taken from the Customer Support Portal, which includes the latest updates.

Authentication methods

IP Authentication

  • Access by IP is preferred as it provides instant recognition for your users. We can register both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols if using both at your institution, it is essential that both are registered to the account to ensure access.  
  • Please note we do not allow an IANA or BOGON IP address to be registered for access – as per this list. Please contact Emerald’s Customer Support team for more information.


See also SeamlessAccess

Open URLs

WAYFless linking



ENTITY_ID = the institution's IPD Entity

TARGET_URL = the platform page the user should return to after logging in (optional)

For more information go to our customer support portal

Google CASA

  • Campus Activated Subscriber Access (CASA) is an enhancement that improves authentication for off-campus users of Google Scholar. CASA is free and automatically enabled for all Emerald customers that participate in Google Scholar. Find out more on Google CASA..


Referring URL

  • Emerald can set up referring URL access from a URL that sits behind a firewall and is not otherwise visible to unauthorised users. It must be a https:// URL and not be in a public domain. For further information on setting up URL access please contact customer support

Organisation Access Number (OAN)

  • Where it isn't possible to use one of the alternative methods of authentication mentioned above, we are able to provide an Organisation Access Number (OAN) to support off-campus access. For more information view and share user guides
  • OAN's require each user to have their own emerald.com/insight profile to access the institutions holdings. Discover more about how OAN’s work.

Do you have issues with access?

A quick way of confirming that you’re authenticated is by checking that your institutional name is on the top left of the Emerald Insight page.

Troubleshoot your access issues

If you are having issues with authentication, our troubleshooting guide provides resolutions for some of the more common access concerns that you may experience. You can also contact Customer Support anytime by emailing [email protected]


Supporting federated access through Shibboleth/OpenAthens, SeamlessAccess provides a quick and secure single sign-on, so that users can access Emerald Insight (and other enabled platforms) anywhere using their institution credentials.

More on SeamlessAccess

Read FAQs  |  View and share user guide

Is your chosen authentication method captured on the Account Management Portal (AMP)?

The AMP allows the administrator at an institution to view and manage all their Emerald resources in one place, using their own user profile login.

If any of these details displayed in the AMP require amending, you have a query or you wish to make additions to your authentication methods, please contact Customer Support

View guide for using the AMP

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