The 6th Annual International Accounting Symposium

Asian Review of Accounting

The 6th Annual International Accounting Symposium 

Asian Review of Accounting (ARA)  

June 30 - July 1, 2023 (Virtual Conference) 


Day 1: Friday June 30 2023 (New York Time)

Join Zoom Meeting (Open 7:30 am to 12 noon US Eastern Summer Time) todz09

Meeting ID: 999 6661 2425
Passcode: ARA2023 



8:00 am–8:05 am 

Welcoming Remarks 


8:05 am–8:30 am 

Plenary Session I 

Machine Learning Accounting Research 

Zhang, Joseph (University of Memphis, USA)

8:30am – 9:20am 


Paper Session 1 

Title - The functional background of the compensation committee chair: The choice and weight of performance measures in CEO compensation

Authors - Kalelkar, Rachana (University of Houston-Victoria); Nwaeze, Emeka (The University of Texas at San Antonio)

Discussant - Gong, Stephen (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)


Coffee Break 


Paper Session 2 

Title - Busy CEO and Financial Statement Footnotes Readability: Evidence from Indonesia

Authors - Harymawan, Iman (Universitas Airlangga); Ratri, Melinda Cahyaning (Universitas Airlangga)

Discussant - Ayuningtyas, Eka Sari (Universitas Airlangga); Yao, Li (Concordia University)



10:20 am – 11:10 am

Paper Session 3 

Title - Corporate Hedging and Annual Report Readability

Author - Sun, Li (University of Tulsa); Kim, Thomas (University of Tulsa)

Discussant - Perry, Yumin Zhang (American University of Sherjah)




Day 2: Saturday July 1 2023 (New York Time)

Join Zoom Meeting (Open 7:30 am to 12 noon US Eastern Summer Time) todz09

Meeting ID: 999 6661 2425
Passcode: ARA2023



8:00 am–8:30 am 

Plenary Session II 

An Overview of Carbon Accounting Research 

Luo, Laura (Macquarie University, Australia)

8:30 am – 9:20am 

Paper Session 4 

Title - Firm’s Life Cycle and Cash Flow Classification: Evidence from Indian Firms

Authors - Mulchandani, Ketan (NMIMS University); Mulchandani, Kalyani (Mukesh Patel School of Technology)

Discussant - Jain, Megha (Jaipuria Institute of Management); Boonlert-U-Thai, Kriengkrai (Chulalongkorn University)

9:20 am–9:30 am 

Coffee Break 


Paper Session 5 

Title - Detecting future financial statement fraud using a machine learning model in Indonesia: a comparative study

Authors - Riskiyadi, Moh (Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia)

Discussant - Zhang, Mark (Belmont University)



10:20am – 11:10am

Paper Session 6 

Title - Financial Structure and Innovation: Firm-level Evidence from Africa

Authors - Ayalew, Misraku (Dilla University, Ethiopia); Zhang, Joseph (University of Memphis, USA​​​​​​​)

Discussant - Chen, Jeff (Texas Christian University, USA)


Closing Remarks