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The Best PhD Dissertation Award of GSUA

Grey Systems: Theory and Application

International Association of Grey System and Uncertainty Analysis (GSUA) seeks to recognise emergent scholars in the field by presenting an award for the best PhD dissertation in Grey System and Uncertainty Analysis.

The winner will be honoured at the 2021 Congress of GSUA.

For the 2021 nominations, any dissertation that has been completed in the academic years of 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, and granted a degree in that period, is eligible for consideration. Dissertations completed before the end of July 2018 will not be accepted.

Dissertations from any discipline are acceptable as long as the research substantively with Grey System and Uncertainty Analysis and are nominated by a member of GSUA. (The nominator need not be a major adviser or supervisor of the student’s dissertation).

Please send both a letter of nomination (with the nominee’s current address, e-mail address, and phone number) carefully detailing the unique contributions this dissertation makes to the field and a digital copy of the dissertation to the GSUA office via email to Naiming Xie at [email protected].  

The deadline for nomination is Saturday, July 31, 2021 at 24:00.

Winners will receive a certificate, recognition at the 2021 Congress of GSUA, and publication of an abstract in the Website of GSUA. A separate grant covering travel costs to the 2021 Congress of GSUA will also be provided.

Download the nomination form