Cherish the memory of Professor EMIL SCARLAT deeply

Grey Systems: Theory and Application


9th October 1949 – 26th July 2022

Professor Emil SCARLAT

Professor Emil SCARLAT carried out his entire professional activity within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, being a highly valued teacher, loved and admired by students and colleagues for his modern style of teaching and collaboration, for his visionary and encyclopedic personality, for his extraordinary power of innovation. As a PhD supervisor, he guided generations of PhD students with competence and dedication.

After graduating from the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Professor Emil SCARLAT started teaching as an assistant at the Department of Economic Cybernetics, going through all the teaching ranks: assistant, lecturer, lecturer, professor. Doctor in economics, with a specialization in economic calculation and economic cybernetics since 1979, Professor Emil SCARLAT was a trailblazer, becoming one of prominent figures in fields such as: the foundations of cybernetics as a science of complexity, the modeling of economic phenomena and processes nonlinearity, chaos theory and its economic applications, grey systems theory, fractal sets, computational intelligence, agent-based systems and models, risk theory applied in enterprises, knowledge management, complex social networks. In these fields Professor Emil SCARLAT wrote and published over 30 books and scientific studies, over 120 articles, led or participated in more than 10 funded scientific research contracts and presided over prestigious international conferences in the country and abroad.

Also, Professor Emil SCARLAT was a member of the editorial boards of some international journals rated by ISI or cited in prestigious international databases, including  served as associate editor of Grey Systems-Theory and Application since 2011 and a member of the editorial board of The Journal of Grey System starting in 2013.

In 2015, Professor Emil SCARLAT was elected as a vice president of International Association of Grey Systems and Uncertainty Analysis. He made outstanding contributions to the development and dissemination of grey system theory.

Throughout his professional activity, Professor Emil SCARLAT imposed an exemplary training of students and professionals in the field, thus positively influencing the careers of so many generations. He always respected authentic values, discovered talents and cultivated them, always encouraged and unconditionally helped the young generation and constantly gave a new and modern breath to the teaching activity and research in the fields he loved and to which he dedicated his life.

God rest him in peace!


By Camelia Delcea and Sifeng Liu