Write for the International Journal of Development Issues

The editorial team of International Journal of Development Issues (IJDI) welcomes the submission of original papers. 

Edited by Dr. Dilip Dutta, esteemed academic at the Centre for Development Studies, India and The University of Sydney, Australia, the journal publishes authoritative, intelligent articles and research of direct relevance to those investigating and/or working within areas closely associated with development processes. Special consideration is given to research papers that consider development issues from either a socio-economic, political, historical or sociological, anthropological, ecological and technological standpoint.

IJDI welcomes articles of 3000-8000 words in length, that are empirically oriented but also have solid methodological foundations based on realism and pragmatism rather than on idealism. Critical analysis of development issues from both the heteredox viewpoint and the neo-liberalist viewpoint, in orthodox tradition, are equally encouraged.

All papers published in IJDI are double blind peer-reviewed.

Submission Guidelines

To submit your research, please visit the journal’s ScholarOne website: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijdi.

In preparing papers, authors are asked to follow the standard IJDI Author Guidelines, which are available here.

If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact IJDI’s Editor, Dr. Dilip Dutta ([email protected]), or the journal’s Publisher, Hazel Goodes ([email protected]).