The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2022 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made. With their help, the journal has been able to publish such high-impact articles:
Abad-Guerrero, Isabel
Abdullah, Azizan
Agrawal, Anirudh
Allen, Darcy
Alston, Eric
Andersson, David Emanuel
Ayinaddis, Samuel Godadaw
Baugus, Brian
Behr, Rachael
Bhattacharyay, Madhurima
Boudreaux, Christopher
Braymen, Charles
Briggs, Kristie
Bruce, Donald
Calcagno, Peter
Cartwright, Alexander
Caton, James
Cheek, Dennis
Chen, Qifan
Choi, Young Back
Claar, Victor
Conraud, Eva
Cowen, Nick
Coyne, Christopher
Craig, Alexander
D-Andrea, Fernando
D'Andrea, Fernando
Evans, Anthony
Faria, Anna
Goodman, Nathan
Gramajo, Andres
Gurley-Calvez, Tami
Haeffele, Stefanie
Hardy, August
Harun, Prof. M. Abdulah al
Heupel, Kevin
Jia, Shaomeng
Khobdeh, Mehdi
Koumpias, Antonios
Lavic, Vernesa
Lawson, Kerianne
Lopez, Edward
Lucas, David
Manish, G.P.
McGee, Robert
McLaughlin, Patrick
Mitchell, David
Moberg, Lotta
Mombeuil, Claudel
Muneeza, Aisath
Murphy, Jonathan
Nabisaalu, Joyce Komakech
Norris, Conor
Park, Myeongho
Petrova, Kameliia
Plemmons, Alicia
Potts, Jason
Ratten, Vanessa
Segantini, Marcos
Skarbek, Emily
Smith, Daniel
Smith, Nathaniel Webb
Sobel, Russell
Thomas, Diana
Timmons, Edward
Tran, Mi
Wright, Robert
Yonk, Ryan
Zhang, Yi