Call for special issue proposals – Journal of Global Responsibility

Journal of Global Responsibility

The Journal of Global Responsibility is currently seeking special issue proposals

Journal of Global Responsibility (JGR) is dedicated to being the premier journal that publishes original and high-quality theoretical and empirical research papers, as well as thought-provocative and inspirational viewpoint articles, in advancing our understanding of global responsibility issues in today’s interconnected and interdependent world. It makes contributions to thought leadership and excellent practice in this field. 

Global responsibility means individual, organisational and institutional duties, obligations and responsiveness to act or perform in ways consistent with globally accepted standards and norms of behaviour. Global standards and norms have been developed significantly in recent times, such as the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles, the Internal Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and many other global standards in the areas of corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, and corporate governance. Global responsibility of individual, organisations and institutions encompasses moral, social, economic political, legal and ecological responsibilities. The journal covers a wide range of global responsibility inquiries, including:  

  1. Responsibility within a global scope: Responsibility-related activities or issues directly relating to or involving the entire world, such as globalisation, global economic and social crises, global pandemic, global warming and environmental degradation. 
  2. Responsibility on a global scale: Responsibility-related issues or activities actually or potentially affecting, extending to, or spreading over the entire world, such as poverty, water shortage, waste disposal, power and impacts of multinational enterprises, and large-scale social movements. 
  3. Responsibility at the global level: Responsibility-related issues with, or pressures and impacts from, public institutions and networks at the global level, such as world, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, and global or influential international networks, forums and active groups.
  4. Responsibility with a global perspective: Comprehensive, all-encompassing or holistic thinking and views on responsibility issues affecting the world.  

JGR welcomes contributions based primarily on the discipline of management and governance. It also encourages contributions drawing on other disciplines, such as philosophy, ethics, political science, law, economics, sociology, anthropology and psychology, to provide insight into responsible governance, management and leadership in the global context. JGR is receptive to all levels of analysis on global responsibility issues, at the individual, organisational, network or macro level. 

If you would like to propose a special issue for this journal, please contact Commissioning Editor, Catherine McAteer, for a special issue proposal form (email: [email protected]).