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Covering every aspect of concrete manufacture and behaviour since 1949.

ISSN: 1751-763X
eISSN: 1751-763X

Aims and scope

At a time when energy concerns and sustainability issues are high on international agendas, the role of concrete is paramount. Concrete's versatility and global availability make it the world's first choice in many applications, both onshore, offshore, above and below ground. It is also unique, being the only cold, mouldable, inorganic plastic that can be used on a significant engineering scale. However, for concrete and other cementitious derivatives to be developed further, we need to understand the use of alternative hydraulically active materials used with or without plain Portland Cement, the impacts of using secondary aggregates, engineering properties, sustainability and durability issues. Both fundamental and best practice issues need to be addressed.

Magazine of Concrete Research covers every aspect of concrete manufacture and behaviour from performance and evaluation of constituent materials to mix design, testing, durability, structural analysis and composite construction.

To submit to the journal is free. Papers appear Ahead of Print (below) as soon as they are ready to be published. Ahead of print articles are fully citable using the DOI system. Read the Editor's note for authors before submitting. 

Awards: Each year, the paper rated best by the Advisory Board is given the prestigious Magazine of Concrete Research Prize.

Open access: This is a Plan S compliant journal through its zero-month embargo period. This is a hybrid journal allowing for green or gold open access. Find out more about publishing open access with us, our article processing charges (APCs) and generous waivers. 


This journal is aligned with our sustainable structures and infrastructures goal

We recognise the transformative power of sustainable engineering, design and building practices in creating a world where our planet and its inhabitants can thrive.

SDG 3 Good health & well-being
SDG 6 Clean water & sanitation
SDG 7 Affordable & clean energy
SDG 9 Industry, innovation & infrastructure
SDG 11 Sustainable cities & communities
SDG 12 Responsible consumption & production
SDG 13 Climate action
Find out about our sustainable structures and infrastructures goal