Psychology Essay Competition with the University of Law

Mental Health and Digital Technologies

Submit your essay

Cyberpsychology is the study of the human mind and behaviour in the context of human technology interaction, and often focuses on the impact of the internet on people and groups, and people’s online behaviour. 

As the technological world and its reach grows at pace, so too does its influence on young people’s mental health. 

Despite the negatives that online interactions may have, healthcare professionals and Psychologists can also use the power of technology to make positive change in young people’s lives. 

Your essay should argue the differing views across the emerging area of cyberpsychology and consider how technology impacts on young people’s mental health. 

Be inquisitive, research to expand your knowledge in the area, and develop key skills. 
By submitting your essay you will let experts in this area hear young people’s opinions on the how technology is impacting mental health and wellbeing. 

Selected essays will be published in Mental Health and Digital Technologies journal and the winners will receive a year’s subscription to the journal (from Emerald) as well as win a huge cash prize provided by the University of Law.

You will find useful information on how to write your essay below. 
To find more about prizes and judges visit The University of Law essay competition page
You can find the competition T&Cs here: pdf_landing_psychology-essay-competition.pdf (
The closing date is 15th November 2024.

Essay question 
‘How can technology support young people’s mental health and wellbeing?’

When writing your essay, we recommend the following structure to support: 
●    Abstract (approx. 100 words):

  • This is a summary of what your essay is about and the major themes you will cover.
  • ip: it is easiest to write this section once you have written the rest of the essay. 

●    Literature Review: 

  • You must include academic literature and references (e.g. academic books, journal articles, academic conference materials) covering relevant theory and evidence (e.g. online disinhibition effect, hyperpersonal model of cyberpsychology). 
  • This section of your essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using technology to support mental health and wellbeing. You may wish to discuss topics such as:
    • Anonymity.
    •  Accessibility.
    • Ease of access.
    • Peer and professional support.
  • You may wish to discuss technology in general, or focus on a specific technology, such as:
    •  Computer games.
    • Mobile apps.
    • Online counselling.
    • Self-help/forums/social media.
    • Chatbots or AI.
    • VR/AR-based support.
  • Discussion/Conclusion (approx. 200 words):
    • In this section, you should summarise the main themes of your essay. 
    • You may also wish to make any relevant recommendations for future researchers to consider, or for people/institutions to consider who provide mental healthcare using technology.
  • References:

Word Count

1000-1500 words (+/-10%)

Supporting sources for your reference:

  • Cyberpsychology: Online behaviour and technology in the modern world: Watch this free short course delivered by Dr Julie Prescott on Springpod (free account needed) to find out more about the Online Disinhibition Effect (Suller 2004), the Hyperpersonal Model (Walther, 1996) and other key theories to help with your essay. Watch the course.
  • An academic article discussing ethical issues in evaluating and using therapeutic games for mental health. Download here
  • An academic article discussing why young people use online forums for mental health support. Download here