Thank you to the 2023 Reviewers of Quality in Ageing and Older Adults

Quality in Ageing and Older Adults

The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2023 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made. With their help, the journal has been able to publish such high-quality articles:

Agapito, Andreia
Andersson, Katarina
Arnfjord , Steven 
Backhouse, Tamara
Bademli, Kerime
Beck , Vanessa
Bendien, Elena
Bilfeldt, Annette
Boersen, Tom
Brooke, Joanne
Cameron, Ailsa
Carli Lorenzini, Giana
Crocker, Thomas
Dederichs, Kasimir
Dowlen, Robyn
Durcan, Graham
Ekoh, Prince Chiagozie 
Fleetwood-Smith, Rebecka
Frost, Rachael
Gaik Kin, Teoh
Gashi , Shkumbin
George, Stacey
Gilliland, Anne
Goff, Mhorag
Goodman, Claire
Grotz, Jurgen
Hibberd, Jane
Hill, Rebekah
Kardys, Claudia
King, Daniel
Klincewicz, Krzysztof
Kmetec1, Sergej
Leontowitsch, Miranda
Leroi, Iracema
Leven, Traci
Li, Jingru
Li, Manlin
Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter
Manthorpe, Jill
Martin, Finbarr
Morrisby, Claire
Murciano-Hueso, Alicia
Newman, Andrew
Noone, Catrin
Ottoni, Callista
Ozpinar, Saliha
Parra Rizo, Maria
Raider-Roth, Miriam
Ray, Mo
Rippon, Isla
Rosi, Alessia
Sabatini, Serena
Samsi, Kritika
Sandes-Guimarães, Luisa Veras De
Schulze, Josefine
Sellon, Alicia
Senior, Jane 
Şevgin, Ömer
Smith, Louisa 
Smith, Toby
Steeden, Ben
Tadrous, Ragy
Van Den Heuvel, Wim
Vougioukalou, Sofia
Wands-Murray, Liz
Wright, David
Zeilig, Hannah