Calls for papers

Here are the latest calls for papers and special issues from our extensive journal and case study range.


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The last decade of apprenticeships in HE: breaking the echo chamber for future readiness

Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning
An historical perspective on ten years of policy that has transformed university engagement in apprenticeships in England and internationally.
Guest editor(s)
Mandy Crawford-Lee, Nicky Westwood,

Far-sighted organizational responses in times of crisis and other adversities

The Bottom Line
This special issue aims to contribute to both academic discourse and practical applications by providing insights into the dynamic challenges, approaches and solutions of contemporary risk management...
Guest editor(s)
Susanne Durst, Thomas Henschel, Fares Getzin,

A New JGM Spotlight Topic for our regular issue articles: DIGITAL NOMADS

Journal of Global Mobility
JGM is welcoming submissions on their 2025 Spotlight Topic: Digital Nomads.
Guest editor(s)

High-value Agriculture for Rural Transformation: Practices, Impacts, and Policy Implications

China Agricultural Economic Review
This special issue explores high-value agriculture's role in rural transformation, balancing economic benefits, environmental sustainability, and food security challenges, with a focus on Asia.
Guest editor(s)
Professor Wanglin Ma, Dr. Dil Rahut,

Transformative Education for Sustainable Futures: Leadership, Curriculum Development and Pedagogical Approaches in Higher Education Towards UN Agenda 2030

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
This special issue focuses on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) with emphasis on leadership, curriculum development and pedagogical approaches in higher education and the UN Sustainable...
Guest editor(s)
Alex Opoku, Chioma Okoro, Yaning Qiao,

AI-Driven Transformation: Integrating Innovation Management and Project Management for the Future

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
The Special Issue of IJMPB will focus on issues surrounding Artificial Intelligence, Innovation Management and Project Management in order to focus on how AI is reshaping the intersection of...
Guest editor(s)
Valentina Ndou, Marina Dabić, Vincenzo Corvello, Antonio Bassi, Carl Marnewick,

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Calls for books

Discover our latest calls for book contributors and book proposals from our extensive book range.