Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (SAMPJ) impact webinars are designed to facilitate engagement between academics, sustainability change makers, policy influencers and policymakers.
This facilitates change that is informed by evidence and research that addresses practice and policy issues.
Speakers have included business leaders, stock exchange executives, sustainability reporting standard board members, investors and civil society leaders.
Webinar 1: How investors and banks assess sustainable development risks
This panel discussion considers what investors and banks need to know about sustainable development risks. The speakers considered the information needed by investors and lenders on sustainable development risks.
The speakers were: Russell Picot special advisor to the FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and member of the trustee board of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (Ltd) and chair of the Trustee board of the HSBC UK pension fund; Kristian Fok, Chief Investment Officer at Cbus Super Fund; Damien Walsh, CEO Bank Australia; Associate Professor Subhash Abhayawansa discussing research in the area; and Professor Richard Slack identifying new research opportunities. Carol Adams chaired the discussion.
Webinar 2: Standard setting for sustainability reporting
This video was co-hosted by the Ethical Finance, Accountability and Governance research centre (Durham University), the Adam Smith Observatory of Corporate Reporting Practices (University of Glasgow), the Social and Environmental Sustainability in Organisations Research Group (Swinburne University of Technology).
Yannis Tsalavoutas, Professor of Accounting, Adams Smith Business School, University of Glasgow Dr Mark Aleksanyan, Senior Lecturer in Accounting, Adams Smith Business School, University of Glasgow.