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Emerald announces Cases partnership with CSCMP

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

Emerald announces cases partnership with CSCMP
CSCMP produces and publishes case studies written by supply chain industry experts, further enhancing Emerald’s eCase Collection
We’re proud to announce a partnership with The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)to include their teaching cases in the eCase Collection.
Our eCase Collection provides teaching faculty with unlimited use of international business cases, through an annual subscription. Complementing our own case library, the collection also features teaching material licensed from global case method advocates, and enables tailored discussion based on student experience, expectation and capability.
CSCMP produces and publishes case studies written by supply chain industry experts.  The cases are accompanied by thorough teaching notes and will further enhance the case coverage in the subject area of supply chain management.
Claire Jackson, Senior Publisher for Cases at Emerald, said: “We’re proud to work with key license partners to promote cases of the same rigorous standard as the Emerald case content.
“As champions of thought leadership and professional development, CSCMP is an ideal partner for Emerald, and we are pleased to help promote their work worldwide. The cases produced by the CSCMP community add tremendous value to our eCase Collection, strengthening our case offering in a core field.”
Supply chain management teaching cases that focus on operations and logistics enable students to access and understand relevant company situations and the necessary decisions involved with supply chain management and production methods. They encourage open debate about the practical concerns companies face in service management and logistics to impact longer-term approaches to problem solving.
Rick Blasgen, President and Chief Executive Officer at CSCMP, said: “CSCMP is one of the only publishers of supply chain specific case studies, and the partnership with Emerald will provide broader awareness and availability of the cases to students and academic institutions to assist in teaching the application of supply chain management concepts to real-world situations. 
“Industry professionals can also use the case studies to learn about common challenges and increase their ability to understand practical solutions.”.
The eCase Collection is available on Emerald Insight. Click here to browse the case options available.
 About Emerald Publishing:
Research impact has been at the heart of Emerald for over 50 years. Our core ethos is making a difference through research by connecting academia and practice, and publishing research which helps drive real change. We publish over 300 journals, more than 3000 books and over 1,500 case studies and offer a choice of publication routes, including open access, ensuring content is available beyond academia.
Emerald also publishes high quality supply chain management content via our Operations, Logistics and Quality Management eJournal collection, including International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, the International Journal of Logistics Management and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. Articles in this collection were downloaded more than 3 million times in 2018.
About the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP):
Since 1963, CSCMP has been the preeminent worldwide professional association dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of research and knowledge on supply chain management. With CSCMP members located around the world, representing nearly all industry sectors, government, and academia, CSCMP members receive unparalleled networking opportunities, cutting-edge research, and online and on-site professional educational opportunities.
CSCMP’s mission is to lead the supply chain profession by connecting, developing, and educating the world’s logistics and supply chain management professionals through their careers.  Connect with CSCMP on social media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

For more information, contact:
Carla Witcombe
Emerald Publishing
[email protected]

Nichole Mumford
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
[email protected]