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Thank you to the 2022 Reviewers of Social Enterprise Journal

Social Enterprise Journal

The publishing and editorial teams would like to thank the following, for their invaluable service as 2022 reviewers for this journal. We are very grateful for the contributions made. With their help, the journal has been able to publish such high-impact articles:

(Diochon) Lent, Monica
Abbou, Inbal
Abraham, John
Adderley, Simon
Al-Dhaafri, Hassan
Alegre, Ines
Balboa, Cristina
Barpanda, Dr. Saswat
Bellazzecca, Enrico
Bennett, Nathan
Berger, Gabriel
Bhattacharjee, Dipannita
Bilderback, Stephanie
Biswas, Dhrubes
Block, Jorn
Bravo Monge, Cris
Brookes, Michael
Byrne, Danielle
Carini, Chiara
Chand, Dinesh
Chui, Susanna
Cornforth, Christopher
Dai, Haijing
Diaz Gonzalez, Abel
Dionisio, Marcelo
Douglas, Heather
Eialfy, Amr
Eschweiler, Jenny 
Fargion, Silvia
Farhoud, Mohamed
Farmer, Jane
Farrell, Ellen
Folmer, Emma
Gabriel, Michelle
Gali, Nazha
Garg, Renuka
Gawell, Malin
Ghunnar, Pravin
Giovannini, Michela
Girum, Tanasorn 
Guha, Samapti
Haddad, Tania
Han, Jun
Hazenberg, Richard
Holt, Diane
Hynes , Briga 
Islam, Syrus
Jenner, Peter
Jin, Qian
kimakwa, Sarah
Knight, Ruth
Kuckertz, Andreas
Lall, Saurabh
Lee, Erica
Lee, Min-Dong Paul
Lessa, Bruno
Littlewood, David
Loga, Jill
M'Zali, Bouchra
Mailhot, Chantale
maiolini, riccardo
Marshall, Michael
Mason, Chris
McKee, Margaret
Merveille, Nicolas
Mirabella, Roseanne
MJ Smith, Anne
Moazzam, Amani
Monteiro, Sónia
Myrah, Kyleen
Pansuwong, Wanniwat
Parekh, Nadiya
Paterson-Young, Claire
Pearl, Catherine
Pellegrini, Massimiliano
Petrovskaya, Irina
Poledrini, Simone
Rado, Istvan
Rendall, Jack
Roundy, Philip
Saunders, William
Scheiber, Laura
Sengupta, Subhanjan
Sforzi , Jacopo
Shaban, Abdul
Shaikh , Mariya
Siegner, Meike
Singh, Archana
Spiesova, Anna
Steinerowska-Streb, Izabella
Svensson, Per
Tabares, Sabrina
Testi, Enrico
Tjiptono, Fandy
Toledano, Nuria
Turcotte, Mare-France
Upshaw, Marijo
Vazquez-Maguirre, Mario
Villalba, Unai
Vries, Ido
Wei, Wei
Woods, Christine
Zhao, Meng
Zhu, Edwina