FROM SCIENCE TO PRACTICE: Improving Mental Health in Persons with Intellectual Disability
13th European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability
Urania, Berlin 23–25 September 2021 | ONLINE OPTION AVAILABLE
Register now!
The scientific committee of the EAMHID invites you to the 2021 EAMHID congress From Science to Practice: Improving mental health in persons with ID in Berlin. The congress will provide numerous formal meetings and informal encounters for scientists and practitioners, as well as persons with disabilities and their families.
+++ Breaking News +++
EAMHID 2021 now offering an online option
The 2021 EAMHID Congress in Berlin will be delivered both in person and online in an exciting new hybrid format. This new format has been designed to maximise participation and to maintain the experience. Delegates can register now and decide later whether to attend in person or virtually.
Call for Abstracts
EAMHID 2021 welcomes submissions from research and practice related to intellectual disability and mental health, both from academic researchers, the professional community and participatory projects from people with intellectual disabilities either alone or co-produced.
Deadline for abstract submissions: 15th March 2021
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and published in a special issue of the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (JIDR).
First authors have to register for the conference before 20th May 2021 for their abstract to be included in the abstract volume (special issue of JIDR).