Crowdhelix and Emerald partner to support impactful research

16th July 2018

Bingley, United Kingdom - 16 July 2018Crowdhelix, the Open Innovation network for research organisations and businesses, and Emerald Publishing have partnered to support impactful research. Previously known as Vision2020 and now relaunched as Crowdhelix, the network connects participants from leading research institutions and innovating companies around the world. Crowdhelix supports those seeking funding from the European Union's €80 billion 'Horizon 2020' programme, with members already awarded over €2.5 billion of Horizon 2020 funding, to deliver more than 4000 projects. Emerald, known for high quality applied research in business, management, social sciences and increasingly in areas of societal challenges, publishes books, journals and case studies which bridge research and practice. The partnership will support researchers along more stages of their workflow, from identifying funding opportunities and finding collaborators, to planning impactful research that engages with and is disseminated to key stakeholders across academia, policy and practice.


Abdul Rahim of Crowdhelix, welcomed the partnership’s remit to provide more seamless support to researchers: “Emerald will provide impact literacy training tools, an open research publishing platform, as well as dissemination and communication expertise which will be valued by members of the Crowdhelix community. Crowdhelix’s goal is to create optimised collaboration teams for international research projects and this partnership will enable to scale up the active global research and innovation community on our platform”.


Emerald and Crowdhelix share an ethos of real impact: providing intelligence, tools and collaboration services which enable research to be conducted and disseminated openly and rapidly to benefit communities of knowledge, practice and society at large, and create meaningful change. 


Tony Roche, Director of Publishing & Strategic Partnerships at Emerald commented that, “Together, Crowdhelix and Emerald support more stages of the journey towards impactful research, connecting universities, research groups and companies. Our aim is to help researchers be more successful in finding collaborators, winning funding and managing research to have greatest impact.


International research collaboration is fundamental to addressing many of today’s greatest challenges.  With this exciting partnership we aim to support the development of world-class networks who will take research from funding stage, through innovation and open dissemination, ultimately creating real change that benefits society.”