Emerald smashes target in raising over £61,000 for Heart Research UK in 2017

19th December 2017

Bingley, United Kingdom, 19 December 2017 – Emerald Group began 2017 by publicly committing to raising £50,000 for Heart Research UK (HRUK), and ends the year by announcing it has smashed that target, raising £61,901.24.

Heart Research UK was chosen as Emerald’s primary charity this year due to the personal connection the company has with the charity, and also the serendipity of both Emerald and HRUK celebrating their 50th anniversaries in 2017.

The money raised by Emerald Group throughout this year, will go to help the Novel and Emerging Technologies grant.  This research project, which is being undertaken at The University of Leicester, aims to develop a simple, accurate and cost-effective test to predict which patients are at risk of sudden cardiac death and whose lives could be saved with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator.

Chair of the 2017 charity committee, Sara Price, looked back at the highlights of this year’s fundraising events.  “Compared to previous years this was by far the biggest target, but everyone got involved and really put in the extra effort to reach our goal.

“The highlight event for me was the Yorkshire Peaks challenge.  In May, a team of over 80 participants took on the trek, climbing a combination of, and in some cases all three, of the Yorkshire Peaks.  Although it was a tough day, this event alone raised an impressive £28,000 for Heart Research UK, giving us a strong boost towards our grand total”

Along with large scale events like the Yorkshire Peaks challenge, Emerald also raised money through car washes, bake sales, quizzes, curry mornings and even a 24-hour DJ marathon.  With all departments getting behind the cause, and the friendly competition of a department fundraising leaderboard, this year’s charity success is a perfect way to round off the 50th anniversary for Emerald and a proud achievement to look back on. 


Heart Research UK: www.heartresearch.org.uk


Heart Research UK is a visionary charity that has been helping hearts near you since 1967.  It funds ground-breaking medical research that benefits patients as soon as possible.  Over the last 50 years the charity has funded over £22.6 m on medical research in hospitals and universities across the UK as well as £1.7m on innovative community-based lifestyle projects that help people live healthier, happier and longer lives.  Unique, for a national charity, we spend money where it is given, helping hearts near you.