Empowering women in the 21st century

7th March 2018

Bingley, United Kingdom, 7 March 2018 – This year, International Women’s Day is calling for gender parity – an initiative at the heart of Emerald Publishing’s culture.  

In support of this, we have launched the ‘Empowering women in the 21st Century’ web page – a collection of information to celebrate the empowerment of women and to highlight ways in which we can actively promote the value of women in society, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Contained within the webpage are infographics, free access to relevant journal articles, sample chapters of must-read books and a podcast. We have also published a Q&A with our recently appointed CEO, Vicky Williams, as she discusses her career journey and shares her thoughts and advice for future female leaders.

Vicky has always been a strong advocate for gender diversity, launching Emerald’s gender diversity initiative Stride in 2015, as well as regularly featuring on discussion panels and delivering presentations based on equality and diversity at events around the world.

Vicky explains: “Diversity gets better results – that’s proven time and time again.  It’s something that Emerald is very focused on through its Stride programme.”

During her interview, Vicky discusses her journey to the top, highlighting several key qualities she believes will help you reach your goals, including; confidence; authenticity; flexibility; honesty; integrity; openness; and self-belief.

One strong piece of career advice Vicky gives is to “believe in yourself, take some risks, and seize every opportunity that’s in your line of sight...Most of all, be true to who you are – work somewhere that aligns with your values and that really ignites your drive and passion. If you don’t find it, start it!”

To read the full Q&A with Vicky, access infographics, the podcast and download the journal articles which are free access until 5 April, please click here: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/realworldresearch/world_events/empowering_women.htm