Emerald Publishing partners with the EFMD to showcase real world impact of research from business schools through the Business School Impact System

7th May 2020

Emerald Publishing is the first publisher to partner with the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), to help business schools demonstrate their real impact achievements, through their Business School Impact System (BSIS).

EFMD is a global, non-profit, membership driven organisation dedicated to management development. Recognised globally as an accreditation body for business schools, business school programmes, and corporate universities, they also place a large emphasis on educational standards for management education, with a firm belief in bringing companies and academic institutions together to work towards facilitating and strengthening exchanges between the two.

BSIS is an innovative impact assessment tool designed to help business schools demonstrate the impact of their research to both internal and external stakeholders. The BSIS analyses business schools’ impact outputs via a combination of written reports and on-site visits. A final summary report is prepared by BSIS experts as well as auditing schools demonstrating real impact with a seal of approval. The report extends to offer recommendations for how member institutions can continue in their efforts in achieving demonstrable impact through their research.

Emerald Publishing has partnered with the EFMD and BSIS initiative with a mission to help elevate the success stories of real impact by working with member business schools to develop research case studies which will feature in the publisher’s Impact Case Studies series.

The company is also launching a dedicated Open Research collection to BSIS member schools and will be funding the first six pieces of research from this series. The focus of this research will be on the response of business schools to Covid-19, and further Emerald’s efforts of getting research into the hands of those that can make a real difference. The first move of which was to develop a dedicated Coronavirus hub offering free access to any research relating to the outbreak, and launching a fund of £20,000 to cover article processing charges for research into Covid-19 and


similar epidemics or pandemics. Research from business schools can play a vital part in the fights against and the recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic and Emerald Open Research gives the right platform to enable rapid publication to a global audience, including and beyond the community of academia.

Speaking of the partnership Tony Roche, Publishing & Strategic Relationships at ​Emerald Publishing, said: “This partnership truly aligns Emerald’s and EFMD’s vision for real impact. Our core ethos is making a difference through research, and by helping BSIS’s partnered business schools realise their impact, we’re helping to showcase the important role that research plays in solving real-world problems.” 

Michel Kalika, BSIS Director at European Foundation for Management Development further commented on the partnership saying, “BSIS wants to move beyond the traditional focus on the academic impact of research, to seek out the managerial and societal impact. Using Emerald’s resources to extract the key impacts from research, and promote it through their global network, we have an opportunity to elevate the important role of business school research on society.”  

For more information on how to contribute a case study narrative, or to contribute to the Emerald Open Research Collection, please contact Richard Whitfield, Senior Publisher, Emerald Publishing.

For more information on the Business School Impact System, please visit the website.


About Emerald Publishing: www.emeraldpublishing.com

Emerald Publishing provides a range of publishing services to help researchers tell their story in a meaningful and timely way, providing innovative tools and services to build confidence and capability in impactful research.  As a proud signatory of DORA, Emerald is committed to establishing new pathways to impact, making research more accessible, and helping communities make decisions that change their world for the better.  For over 50 years Emerald’s core purpose has been to champion fresh thinkers and help them make a difference so that little by little those in academia or in practice can unite to bring positive change in the real world.




Tamsyn Johnston-Hughes

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Emerald Publishing

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About EFMD: www.efmdglobal.org

EFMD management development network includes over 900 institutional members from academia, business, public service and consultancy across 91 countries worldwide.  EFMD offers a range of services, including conferences and seminars around the world, surveys and the dissemination of knowledge, quality improvement and accreditation via EQUIS, EPAS, EOCCS and CLIP, as well as the EDAF mentoring programme and BSIS impact assessment system.


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