Calls for papers

Here are the latest calls for papers and special issues from our extensive journal and case study range.


Case-based Research in Sport Marketing

International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
The aim of this special issue of IJSMS is to promote the case study as a scientific research method in sport marketing to a broader audience of sport management studies.
Guest editor(s)
Dr. Yehan Zhang, Dr. Lei Luo, Dr. Ruth M Crabtree, Dr. James J. Zhang,

Consumer participation in price innovation for sustainability

Journal of Consumer Marketing
This special issue focuses on unique forms of consumer participation in price setting and how firms can leverage these forms to integrate their sustainability efforts profitably.
Guest editor(s)
Rajat Roy, Fazlul Rabbanee, M.R. Taufique Khan, Vik Naidoo,

Moving Towards Sustainable Services in the Age of Digital Transformation

Journal of Service Theory and Practice
Special issue welcomes submissions focusing on conceptualizing and empirically investigating service theories, strategies, and practices to tackle the challenges and opportunities associated with...
Guest editor(s)
Dr. Gauri Laud, Professor Sanjit K. Ro, Dr. Megan Phillips,

Call for special issue proposals - Asian Education and Development Studies

Asian Education and Development Studies
Asian Education and Development Studies is welcoming special issue proposals.
Guest editor(s)

Services in a Rapidly Changing World

Journal of Services Marketing
Addressing the multiple ways in which services can contribute to facilitate and/or enhance life for both individual consumers and for society in a rapidly changing world.
Guest editor(s)
Jonas Holmqvist, Sertan Kabadayi, Domenic Winfrey,

Accounting & Finance in the Sustainable and AI Era from the Pacific Region

Pacific Accounting Review
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, academics, industry professionals, and policymakers are eager to understand the impact of these new developments and trends on...
Guest editor(s)
Associate Professor Ji (George) Wu, Associate Professor Lin Liao, Associate Professor Daifei (Troy) Yao, Dr Xing (Alex) Yang, Dr Fang Hu,

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Calls for books

Discover our latest calls for book contributors and book proposals from our extensive book range.