Calls for papers

Here are the latest calls for papers and special issues from our extensive journal and case study range.


Artificial Intelligence in Health Organizations: Transforming Practice and Evaluating Services

Journal of Health Organization and Management
This special issue will explore the vanguard of AI applications within healthcare settings, illuminating both the transformative potential and the practical implications for service delivery and...
Guest editor(s)
Axel Kaehne,

Unseating Western Hegemonies in Contextualised Research on Gender and Entrepreneurship

International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship
This special issue challenges long held Western assumptions around the gender and entrepreneurship in order to capture its diverse nature.
Guest editor(s)
Talia Esnard, Bronwyn P Wood, Bettina Lynda Bastian,

Faith and Non-Faith Worldviews in Understanding Family Relationships

International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
This special issue brings together contemporary sociological debates on how religious and/or non-religious perspectives relate to family dynamics and interactions.
Guest editor(s)
Hamide Elif Üzümcü, Morena Tartari,

Resilience and Performance Auditing for a Changing Public Sector Environment

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Opens for Submissions 1 March 2025
Guest editor(s)
Tarek Rana, Enrico Bracci, Lee Parker,

Beyond Traditional Fieldwork – Digital Ethnography’s Role in Understanding Modern Work(places)

Journal of Organizational Ethnography
This special issue examines the changing role of ethnography in organization and management research, highlighting its adaptation to modern, often digital, work environments. It focuses on digital...
Guest editor(s)
Marko Orel, Heidi Dahles,

The Future of Work and its Long-standing Supply Chain Implications: Lessons from the Pandemic and Beyond

The International Journal of Logistics Management
The SI issue explores flexible work arrangements' impact on supply chain resilience and future work dynamics, welcoming empirical and theoretical studies using diverse research methodologies.
Guest editor(s)
Pr. Salomée RUEL, Dr Mohammadreza Akbari, Associate Professor Hadi Ghaderi, Associate Professor John Hopkins,

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