Calls for papers

Here are the latest calls for papers and special issues from our extensive journal and case study range.


Festivals and Events in Latin America

International Journal of Event and Festival Management
The special issue explores Latin American festivals, addressing their significance, effects, and challenges. It aims to deepen understanding and foster interdisciplinary research.
Guest editor(s)
Driselda P. Sánchez-Aguirre, Ilia Alvarado-Sizzo, Domingo Martínez, María Paz Peirano, Alice Leoti,

Addressing Technological Innovations, Health Events, and Social Needs to Achieve Quality in Education

The TQM Journal
Therefore, the purpose of this special issue is to collect HEIs and organizational best practices to address technological innovations, health, or community challenges that impact in service quality...
Guest editor(s)
Prof. Fernando González-Aleu, Ph.D., Prof. Manuel Francisco Suarez Barraza,

Social impact in business research: what, why and how?

Journal of Social Impact in Business Research
Creating social impact is now a key outcome for business schools. This special issue seeks to articulate the unique characteristics of social impact by business disciplines by offering new frameworks...
Guest editor(s)
Professor Rebekah Russell-Bennett, Professor Mike Reid,

Journal of International Cooperation in Education Special Issue Guide

Journal of International Cooperation in Education
A special issue allows a journal to focus on a topic – often in a new or emerging area – and explore it in depth or provide alternative perspectives.

LBS Journal of Management & Research Special Issue Guide

LBS Journal of Management & Research
A special issue allows a journal to focus on a topic – often in a new or emerging area – and explore it in depth or provide alternative perspectives.

School-University Partnerships Special Issue Guide

School-University Partnerships
A special issue allows a journal to focus on a topic – often in a new or emerging area – and explore it in depth or provide alternative perspectives.

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