Calls for papers

Here are the latest calls for papers and special issues from our extensive journal and case study range.


Journal of International Cooperation in Education Special Issue Guide

Journal of International Cooperation in Education
A special issue allows a journal to focus on a topic – often in a new or emerging area – and explore it in depth or provide alternative perspectives.

LBS Journal of Management & Research Special Issue Guide

LBS Journal of Management & Research
A special issue allows a journal to focus on a topic – often in a new or emerging area – and explore it in depth or provide alternative perspectives.

School-University Partnerships Special Issue Guide

School-University Partnerships
A special issue allows a journal to focus on a topic – often in a new or emerging area – and explore it in depth or provide alternative perspectives.

PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice Special Issue Guide

PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice
A special issue allows a journal to focus on a topic – often in a new or emerging area – and explore it in depth or provide alternative perspectives.

Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People Special Issue Guide

Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process & People
A special issue allows a journal to focus on a topic – often in a new or emerging area – and explore it in depth or provide alternative perspectives.

IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies Special Issue Guide

IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies
A special issue allows a journal to focus on a topic – often in a new or emerging area – and explore it in depth or provide alternative perspectives.

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Calls for books

Discover our latest calls for book contributors and book proposals from our extensive book range.