Calls for papers

Here are the latest calls for papers and special issues from our extensive journal and case study range.


The International Sustainability Standards Board: Evaluating and informing work efforts in the interest of sustainable development

Meditari Accountancy Research
The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) was formed during 2021. Since its formation, it has published two standards. “IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability...
Guest editor(s)
Warren Maroun, Holger Daske, Wayne van Zijl, Donna Street,

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board: Insights for developing auditing standards fit for purpose

Meditari Accountancy Research
How auditing functions in contemporary capital markets has been examined extensively with two broad areas of research emerging. The first typically relies on economic and finance theory to explore the...
Guest editor(s)
Warren Maroun, Kai-Uwe Marten, Jayanthi Krishnan, Joe Schroeder, Donna Street,

Family business in Asia: Status and Future Directions of Research

Journal of Asia Business Studies
This Special Issue aims on providing insights and tools to help scholars to better know the family businesses in Asia.
Guest editor(s)
Enrico Battisti, Elias Hadjielias, Andrea Calabrò,

The Digital Revolution: The Role of Technology in Transforming Fashion Design, Branding, and Marketing

Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal
This special issue examines current problems concerning digital technology and its interplay with design, branding and marketing, exploring the use of research and practice for the retail industry...
Guest editor(s)
Dr Rosy Boardman, Dr Courtney Chrimes, Professor T.C . Melewar, Professor Charles Dennis,

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Corner

PSU Research Review: An International Journal
Open call for papers for PSU Research Review
Guest editor(s)

Ethics and Sustainability in Gaming and Persuasive Systems

Internet Research
In this special issue, we aim to attract multidisciplinary contributions that deal with ethics and sustainability, along with sub-fields such as privacy, intercultural digital ethics, fair accountable...
Guest editor(s)
Nannan Xi, Rebekah Rousi, Juho Hamari, Pekka Abrahamsson, Ville Vakkuri,

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