Emerald Publishing and our editors are fully committed to ethical publication practice.
We act in accordance with the principles outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and support the development, and practical application, of consistent ethical standards throughout the scholarly publishing community.
Please contact us if you would like any further information on our ethics policies.
On this page
- Summary of our research and publishing ethics
- Ethics policies
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Animals in research
- Attribution
- Authorship
- Citation manipulation
- Clinical trials
- Conflicts of interest
- Defamation/libel
- Dignity at work
- Editorial independence
- Fabricated data
- Grievance procedure
- Historical content
- Image or figure manipulation
- Informed consent
- Jurisdictional neutrality
- Plagiarism
- Post-publication critiques
- Publication charges
- Redundant publication
- Simultaneous submissions
- Ethical publishing and research integrity
Summary of our research and publishing ethics
You should only submit your research to us if the following conditions apply:
- The research has been conducted with the highest standards of rigour and integrity as per the ethics policies below.
- The work is original.
- The work has not been submitted elsewhere and is not currently under consideration with any other publication or publisher. For permitted exceptions, please see our preprint and conference paper policies.
- The work adheres to our requirements in relation to generative AI.
- The authors listed on the work meet our authorship criteria.
- The work appropriately cites and references any previous publication or presentation of the ideas or content featured in the submission.
- Any conflicts of interest that may influence the handling of the work are appropriately disclosed.
- The work does not include libellous, defamatory, or unlawful statements.
- Permission has been cleared for any third-party material included.
- Proof of consent has been obtained for any named individuals or organisations, and ethical approval has been appropriately documented if required.
If your research is published and we find that any of these conditions have not been met, Emerald may take action in line with the COPE guidelines, which could result in a correction notice or retraction being issued.
Ethics policies
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Any use of AI tools, including Large Language Models (LLMs), for the creation, development, or generation of an Emerald publication must be flagged, clearly and transparently, by the author(s) within the Methods and Acknowledgements (or another appropriate section) of the article, chapter, or case study. The author(s) must describe the content created or modified as well as appropriately cite the name and version of the AI tool used; any additional works drawn on by the AI tool should also be appropriately cited and referenced. Standard tools that are used to improve spelling and grammar are not included within the parameters of this guidance. The Editor and Publisher reserve the right to determine whether the use of an AI tool is permissible in a submitted article, chapter, or case study. Emerald reserves the right to reject submissions and to take appropriate post-publication action on published material found to feature inappropriate or undisclosed use of generative AI.
In accordance with COPE’s position statement on AI tools, Large Language Models cannot be credited with authorship as they are incapable of conceptualising a research design without human direction and cannot be accountable for the integrity, originality, and validity of the published work.
Generative AI usage key principles
- Copywriting any part of a submission using a generative AI tool/LLM would not be permissible, including the generation of the abstract or the literature review, for as per Emerald’s authorship criteria, the author(s) must be responsible for the work and accountable for its accuracy, integrity, and validity.
- The generation or reporting of results using a generative AI tool/LLM is not permissible, for as per Emerald’s authorship criteria, the author(s) must be responsible for the creation and interpretation of their work and accountable for its accuracy, integrity, and validity.
- The in-text reporting of statistics using a generative AI tool/LLM is not permissible due to concerns over the authenticity, integrity, and validity of the data produced, although the use of such a tool to aid in the analysis of the work would be permissible.
- Copy-editing a submission using a generative AI tool/LLM in order to improve its language and readability would be permissible as this mirrors standard tools already employed to improve spelling and grammar, and uses existing author-created material, rather than generating wholly new content, while the author(s) remains responsible for the original work. Authors should be conscious of the potential for bias, fabrication, inaccurate attribution, and plagiarism when using such tools, and should therefore verify the work prior to submission.
- The submission and publication of images created by AI tools or large-scale generative models is not permitted.
- In line with standard academic practice, however, Emerald permits the use of examples of generative AI for illustrative purposes as part of scholarly critique and discussion, with the exception of images created by AI tools or large-scale generative models; these examples must be appropriately flagged in the text and be fully cited and referenced in accordance with formatting requirements.
AI and peer review
Articles, case studies, and chapters submitted to Emerald for consideration and review should be treated as confidential, meaning that sharing this material with another person or uploading it to a generative AI tool or LLM for assessment or evaluation would violate the author’s confidentiality, as well as any proprietary and/or data privacy rights.
This would also be the case for the peer review report itself if uploaded to a generative AI/LLM for copy-editing or copy-writing purposes, as it may contain confidential or identifiable information pertinent to the submission or the author(s). There are additional concerns regarding the use of generative AI tools for peer review due to biases in the datasets of these models and the reliability of their ability to assess content, with the risk of generating false, flawed, or inaccurate results.
As such, to maintain trust in the integrity of the published record, Emerald does not permit the use of generative AI tools or LLMs to assist in the review, evaluation, or decision-making process of any part of an article, case study, or chapter by either a member of a journal’s Editorial Team or a reviewer, in accordance with Emerald’s principles of peer review. Peer reviewers are responsible for the reviews they provide and accountable for their accuracy, rigour, and validity, which, as per COPE's position statement on AI tools, cannot be replicated by a non-human generative AI. Any breach of the integrity or trust of the review process as described above will be perceived as peer review misconduct.
Animals in research
If your research involves animals, we expect you to follow the 3R principles:
- Replacement of animals in research, wherever possible
- Reduction of animal use, i.e. minimising the number involved
- Refinement by improving the welfare of any animals you work with.
You must also provide an appropriate ethical statement confirming that your study received institutional and national (or international) ethical approval and was in compliance with all relevant animal welfare guidelines and regulations.
Details of this should be included in the methods section of the work, making reasonable efforts to ensure that author anonymity is not compromised on submission. Specifically, the statement should contain the name and location of the institutional ethics reviewing committee or review board, the approval number, the date of approval, and the details of the national or international guidelines that were followed, as well as any other relevant information.
All studies involving animals should comply with the ARRIVE guidelines and the following, depending on the location of the research:
- UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (SI 2012/3039)
- EU Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
- US Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and, as applicable, the Animal Welfare Act
- The 3R principles
- The American Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals or an appropriate equivalent.
Any work submitted without a suitable ethical statement will be returned to the authors and will not be considered further until appropriate and clear documentation is provided.
You should appropriately cite and reference any previous publication or presentation of the ideas or work featured in your submission, describing its contribution to, and development of, the current research, and ensure that credit is properly attributed to avoid potential authorship disputes or allegations of plagiarism and unethical academic behaviour, such as the unreferenced use of the ideas of others, redundant publication, or the replication of sections of text from other sources without sufficient attribution or indication.
This includes citing and referencing your own prior research, as well as dissertations, conference papers, workshop presentations, and listserv communications, and means that a complete history of the work is documented.
Further, to ensure greater transparency and accountability surrounding the work published, Emerald requires full and proper asset attribution so that all figure and table captions should include the necessary credit line, acknowledgment, or attribution where the author has been given permission to use the figure or table; if the figure or table is the property of the author(s), this should also be acknowledged in the caption.
References to other publications should be in Harvard style for Emerald journals – you will find additional details in your chosen journal’s author guidelines. All references should be carefully checked for completeness, accuracy, and consistency.
Authorship is a fundamental aspect of transparency in the publication process as it bestows recognition and credit for contributions made to an academic work, while ensuring accountability and responsibility for reported research, as well as conferring moral and legal rights.
When it comes to listing the authors of your work, we understand that it can be tempting to include everyone who has assisted you; it is also easy to overlook someone who may have been involved at the very start of the process.
Please be aware that improper or inappropriate authorship additions, removals, or changes are considered unethical and unacceptable; any such activity where identified will be duly investigated and actioned.
It is imperative that authors should be transparent, and that all who participated in the work are credited and have given consent for publication.
- Ghost authorship – the exclusion of a contributor from the list of authors.
- Gift/guest authorship – the inclusion of someone who has not contributed to the work, or who has chosen not to be associated with the research.
- Disputes – these can be over the order of the authors listed on the published work, or in relation to the level of contribution that each has made to the work. Emerald and its editors cannot adjudicate or arbitrate in any authorship disputes.
These issues can overshadow your work, and potentially lead to post-publication action, so it is important to agree and establish the authorship and order in which author names are listed prior to submission; only those authors who meet our authorship criteria should be included.
Emerald subscribes to the authorship principles outlined by the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). These state that for someone to be considered an author, they must have:
- Made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- Drafted the work or revised it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- Given final approval of the version to be published; AND
- Agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
If an individual is solely responsible for obtaining the funding that supported the research, this does not constitute sufficient grounds for authorship; this is equally the case for data collection or general supervision of the research. If a contributor does not meet all four of the ICMJE criteria, they should be included in the acknowledgements instead, subject to their consent to be named. If an individual or organisation has supported any aspect of the work where it has been outsourced, such as language editing or translation, this should also be declared in the acknowledgements.
In accordance with COPE’s position statement on AI tools, Large Language Models cannot be credited with authorship as they are incapable of conceptualising a research design without human direction and cannot be accountable for the integrity, originality, and validity of the published work.
In cases where an author has sadly passed away before the work has been submitted, or during peer review, we require consent from a family member or legal proxy of the deceased for the work to be published.
Deceased authors are, however, still eligible for co-authorship if they made a significant intellectual contribution to the work as per our authorship criteria.
On submission you should provide information on all funders associated with your work to comply with funder publication policies and to enable our editors to assess any potential conflicts of interest.
You must ensure you obtain any necessary permissions from your funder(s) before submitting your work.
Any authors listed should be able to identify which co-author wrote which section of the work and have full confidence in, and take responsibility for, the integrity of the work as all authors will be accountable for it.
In the event of an authorship issue arising or a change request being received at any stage of the publishing process, including post-publication, Emerald will assess this in accordance with the relevant COPE guidance; if the issue or change request raises concerns about the broader integrity of the work, we will investigate this in line with our ethical publishing policy.
Any changes to the authorship of a work must be independently approved by all authors; when assessing authorship change requests, we may require proof of contribution, which can include earlier versions of the work with the requested author’s edits and email exchanges directly related to the work between the requested author(s).
It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that evidence proving their contributions to the work is retained. Emerald reserves the right to refuse change requests if there is reason to doubt the legitimacy of the request.
When authorship disputes arise, we always try to help the parties involved reach an agreement. However, as it relates to the research stage, it is not possible for us or our editors to comment on the level of contribution by each author.
Please refer to the appropriate COPE flowcharts for the processes that we follow in such cases. If the matter cannot be resolved, we may refer it to the authors' institutions, or issue an expression of concern.
Citation manipulation
Citations and referencing are essential aspects of accountability and transparency in the research process, and aid reproducibility and robustness. Authors should ensure that works are cited appropriately and accurately where relevant and in moderation.
Citation manipulation may, however, include the following inappropriate and unethical citation behaviours:
Authors should not indulge in excessive self-citation of their own previously published works. Citations must be relevant and justifiable, add value to the work, and should not be included just to increase the citation score of that author.
During the peer review process, authors may be referred to works that the reviewer or editor believes can further develop and improve their ideas. While there may be legitimate reasons to reference other publications, 'coercive citation', whereby a reference is proposed as a condition of acceptance or without due scholarly justification, is unethical.
Any references or citations provided during the review process by the reviewers or members of the editorial team are not an obligatory requirement for an author when revising their work or a prerequisite to acceptance; only references that the author believes to be specifically relevant to their research should be included, if they help to develop their thesis or fill key gaps in the literature used.
Emerald is an advocate of both author freedom and editorial independence. If you feel you have been pressured to include a particular reference in your work, please contact our Research Integrity team.
This occurs when an author, reviewer, or member of the editorial team includes superfluous or irrelevant references in their work, review, or decision letter with the intention of boosting another specific individual's citation score, and it can also be applied to other journals. This kind of behaviour is monitored across all of our publications, and any inappropriate inflation in citation levels for an article, individual, author group, or journal will be addressed accordingly.
Emerald takes citation manipulation very seriously and will act in accordance with the guidelines set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics; where suspected or detected, it will be subject to an investigation as per our commitment to ethical publishing and research integrity.
If an investigation confirms the presence of citation manipulation, unpublished works may be rejected, or if published, may be subject to a post-publication notice. Emerald may also escalate the matter to the individual’s institution if there is there is evidence of repeated and deliberate attempts to engage in citation manipulation.
Clinical trials
We can only accept submissions featuring clinical trials if the following applies:
- The trial is registered in a publicly accessible database. This must have been done prior to the start of the trial or enrolment of the participants. Examples of publicly accessible databases include these sites by the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization. When submitting your work to Emerald, please include the name of your trial register and your clinical trial registration number.
- You must demonstrate you obtained clearance from your institutional ethics board for the trial; further details can be found under our guidance on informed consent.
Conflicts of interest
Conflicts of interest are any circumstances that could be perceived to exert an undue influence on, or undermine, the impartial and objective handling and review of a submission, or the presentation and value of a publication, and may be financial, professional, contractual, or personal in nature.
Possible conflicts of interest include:
- A prior relationship between author and editor or reviewer
- A financial or personal interest in the outcomes of the research
- Undisclosed financial support for the research by an interested third party
- A financial or personal interest in the suppression of the research
- A pending patent.
Authors, reviewers, and members of our editorial teams are expected to act within the spirit of the Nolan principles of public life, and a duty to disclose any conflict(s) of interest that may influence the handling of a submission to an Emerald publication.
While it is difficult to specify the threshold at which a conflict of interest becomes significant, two practical guidelines are: to declare any conflict of interest that could embarrass you were it to become publicly known after publication; to declare any information which, when revealed later, would make a reasonable reader feel misled or deceived. If you are unsure whether something is a conflict of interest, always check with the editor or commissioning editor ahead of submission.
Any suspected undisclosed conflict(s) of interest in either an active or published work should be addressed via our ethical publishing and research integrity guidance.
Authors submitting work to Emerald for consideration are required to declare any potential conflicts of interest that could interfere with the objectivity or integrity of a publication. The corresponding author is responsible for providing such a declaration on behalf of all authors; this declaration should be provided at submission and within the work itself to highlight, and define where relevant, whether there are any competing interests. You should also disclose any financial support for the research from third parties.
Members of a journal’s editorial team are welcome to submit their work to that journal, in accordance with our guidelines on self-authorship, and are subject to the same standards and review process as all other submissions. Where an editor, guest editor, or editorial advisory board member is listed as an author on a work, this should be declared at submission so that they are recused from any involvement in the peer review or processing of that manuscript. The work will then be handled by a neutral party. Editors, guest editors, and editorial advisory board members should also exclude themselves from handling works in cases where there is a competing interest as per our peer review principles. This may include, but is not limited to, having previously published with one or more of the authors or sharing the same institution as one or more of the authors.
To uphold impartiality, reviewers should consider any potential conflict of interest before agreeing to review and should decline if they are in a position that prevents them from giving an objective opinion of the work. An alternative reviewer will be selected in such cases. Reviewers should also inform the editors of any related interests, including financial or academic, that may be perceived as relevant, and these will be considered when evaluating their recommendations.
If you are concerned the editor handling your submission may have a conflict of interest, please let the commissioning editor at Emerald know and we will investigate and take appropriate action as per the Committee on Publication Ethics guidelines.
You are required to obtain written proof of consent for studies about named companies, organisations, or people before you submit your work.
While Emerald champions and respects editorial independence and freedom of expression, if inaccurate, unsubstantiated, or emotive statements are made about companies, organisations, groups, or people in a submission that may cause harm, we may ask you to change the text or we may reject the work prior to publication. Emerald reserves the right to refuse to publish any content that could be deemed defamatory, distasteful, illegal, libellous, or offensive, including, but not limited to, hate speech and incitement to violence.
Critiques and reviews of products and services are acceptable, but comments must be constructive and not malicious. If statements made in a work published by Emerald are found to be defamatory, a retraction notice will be published. In some cases, and when legally required, the work will be withdrawn from the online version of the book or journal. Privileged information obtained via peer review or through an editorial capacity must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.
We advise all authors of studies where a company, individual, or organisation is named or identifiable to inform the subject (person or company/organisation) and to seek written proof of consent to publish.
Dignity at work
As part of Emerald’s commitment to the integrity and transparency of the scholarly record and the subsequent strengthening of trust in academic research and the research communities that we serve, we support all individuals’ right to dignity, respect, and safety in their work. As such, we believe everyone is entitled to civility and courtesy, and expect people to communicate with respect, in an environment free from discrimination; we do not tolerate behaviour, conduct, or speech that is intimidating, malicious, or offensive. We also do not tolerate aggressive behaviour and abusive treatment or bullying of our staff, or of any other parties involved in any aspect of the editorial, review, submission or publication processes.
We expect our staff to adhere to these principles by behaving professionally and respectfully at all times when engaging in interactions with our colleagues, customers, authors, reviewers, editorial teams, and readers in a manner that is fair and without bias. Likewise, we expect the same standards of behaviour from the academic community in their interactions with Emerald and our representatives. This applies to any setting, including in-person and electronic communication. We reserve the right to refrain from further engagement with any person or party whose behaviour or activity contravenes these principles.
Emerald also reserves the right to terminate or not engage in an interaction or publishing agreement or relationship where we have evidence of discrimination, harassment, or victimisation, or determine that doing so would compromise our values, as per our Supplier Code of Conduct. We may take further action with employers, institutions, or local authorities as we deem appropriate under the circumstances.
Editorial independence
Emerald supports editorial independence, and our editors have full autonomy and authority in deciding which submissions should enter peer review and be accepted or rejected for publication without any external input, as per the guidance on editorial freedom by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). We expect our editors to maintain best practice and editorial accountability by making decisions on submissions based on thorough assessment of the validity of their conclusions following peer review and on their contribution to the academic literature. We will not comment on decisions made by our editors, unless there is evidence the work was not handled in accordance with best practice. In the event of such cases, we will work with the editor and in accordance with the relevant best practice guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to resolve any concerns, as per our commitment to ethical publishing and research integrity.
Emerald is a progressive publisher, passionate about bringing research to life in ways that lead to meaningful real-world change, and we believe that the editorial decision-making process should be independent of all commercial concerns to ensure the integrity of the scholarly record and foster trust in the work that we publish. While we do not shy away from controversial or divisive topics, we support a respectful and inclusive environment where rigorous academic debate and legitimate free expression can thrive. Authors should be free to pursue ideas and communicate their knowledge without fear of repression or censorship. We equally expect our authors to be aware of and adhere to the ethical obligation and responsibility to conduct research in adherence to national and international research ethics guidelines, and avoid preventable harms that may arise in the course of that research or its communication.
Fabricated data
Emerald is committed to publishing research that adheres to high standards of transparency and robustness in the methods used and results presented to support the principle of reproducibility.
Authors must not fabricate, falsify, or manipulate data or the results drawn from that data; to do so is fundamentally unethical and a breach of research integrity. Data fabrication involves the creation of fictious research findings; data falsification involves the manipulation of research with the intention of creating a false impression of the study’s findings.
Emerald may review data or request the original data files for any work either under consideration or published at any time as part of our responsibility to the integrity of the academic record; and we reserve the right to request a dataset at any point as part of an investigation, and will investigate any instances of fraud or malpractice where identified. Authors are therefore expected to present complete and accurate reporting of the underlying data in their submissions to aid the future reproducibility of the work, and to adhere to established scientific best practice by retaining the source material of experiments and research results in an auditable manner that allows for scrutiny and verification. If there is reason to suspect that the data are not plausible, we reserve the right to reject or retract that work, and to notify your institution, as appropriate.
Emerald also recognises that genuine errors can and do occur; when an error is discovered, the author(s) should contact the journal and acknowledge this through appropriate revision or post-publication action.
Grievance procedure
Emerald appreciates that there are times when things may go wrong or where authors may wish to disagree with an editorial decision. The following guidance is provided to help you to raise a concern where appropriate.
Emerald supports editorial independence and will not comment on a decision made by one of our editors, unless there is evidence that the submission was not handled in accordance with best practice. Our editors have full autonomy and authority in deciding which submissions should enter peer review and be accepted or rejected for publication without any external input, as per the guidance on editorial freedom by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Submissions that are rejected prior to peer review are not eligible for formal appeal. In the event of an appeal on a work following peer review, we will work with the editor and in accordance with the relevant best practice guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to resolve any concerns, as per our commitment to ethical publishing and research integrity.
If your work has been rejected and you believe there are grounds to appeal the decision, such as new evidence, the decision not being in accordance with journal policy and procedures, or a reviewer's misunderstanding of your work, you may appeal the editorial decision by providing the editor with a detailed breakdown of your rationale and response to the review comments.
To do this, you must follow the process described below:
- The complaint must be submitted in writing to the editor of the journal
- The complaint will be considered by the journal’s editorial team
- The complaint will be acknowledged within 10 days of receipt, and we aim to resolve it within 60 days
- The decision will be in writing and will be final. You may not appeal more than once about the same article. Emerald will not adjudicate between an author and editor when there is a difference of opinion on the final decision.
For further information on Emerald's ethics policies, please see Emerald's ethics guidelines or contact our Research Integrity team.
If you have concerns about the way that your work was handled or the editorial management of the journal, such as how long it took to reach a decision on your submission, or a concern about publication ethics, you should contact the journal’s Commissioning Editor as detailed on the journal’s homepage in the first instance or contact our Research Integrity team. As part of this process, we will review the submission history and any correspondence between the author, editor, and reviewers. Complaints about the failure of processes should, in the first instance, be handled by the Editor-in-Chief responsible for the journal and/or the editor who handled the submission.
When you make a complaint, Emerald will treat you professionally and with respect, and in return, we would request that you treat Emerald staff with the same courtesy. Any abuse or harassment of Emerald staff or our editorial teams will not be tolerated, and your complaint may no longer be considered.
We take all complaints extremely seriously and will aim to provide you with an initial response within five days of receipt, and we aim to resolve it within six working weeks. If we are unable to resolve it within this time, we will communicate this fully. (Please note that this does not apply in cases where a post-publication notice may be required.) The complainant will be given appropriate feedback, and any relevant feedback will also be provided to the appropriate Emerald stakeholders to improve our processes and procedures. Full details of our research integrity investigation process can be found below.
Historical content
At Emerald we recognise that some of our older published material may contain research that is now potentially unethical and discriminatory, no longer valid, or feature language and ideas that were once accepted by the academic community but are now considered offensive or systematically biased.
While we are committed to preserving the integrity and transparency of the historical scholarly record, we will address potentially harmful content in our archive on a case-by-case basis as we become aware of it. Where concerns are identified with regard to content that is potentially unethical, discriminatory, or based on discredited science, we will alert readers where appropriate through corrective post-publication action while endeavouring to remain impartial in academic debates.
Any investigations will focus on identifying methodological weaknesses or where the work may lack scientific rigour in terms of the robusticity of the analysis presented, statistical limitations, or the vulnerability of data to bias. Such cases will be first assessed in-house alongside the journal editor in accordance with the relevant Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and our principles on ethical publishing and research integrity.
Image or figure manipulation
Image or figure manipulation falls into two categories, and Emerald considers this to be unethical activity:
- Inappropriate manipulation: the adjustment of an image or figure that violates established research guidelines but does not impact the interpretation of the data shown.
- Fraudulent manipulation: the deliberate adjustment or manipulation of an image or figure to affect the interpretation of the data.
Manipulation may include the addition or removal of elements from an image or figure, or adjustments to its formatting with the intention of obscuring or highlighting a particular result.
Images or figures submitted to Emerald should be minimally processed, and it is not permitted to enhance, introduce, move, obscure, or remove a specific feature within an image or figure. We recognise, however, that there can be legitimate reasons for modifying images, such as improving clarity, but we expect authors to avoid this where it leads to the fabrication, falsification, or misrepresentation of results.
Adjustments to the brightness, contrast, or colour balance of an image or figure are acceptable if, and as long as, they do not eliminate, misrepresent, or obscure any information present in the original. Such adjustments should not be excessive and must be applied equally across the entire image or figure, and, if appropriate, across comparison images in the figure.
If cropping, grouping, or splicing of images is required, the borders should be clearly demarcated in the figure and the alterations described in the legend. The final image(s) or figure(s) submitted should correctly represent the original data and conform to recognised community standards and best practice. If controls are re-used across figures, this must be stated and clearly labelled. The software used to adjust images or figures should be stated in the work.
Emerald may screen images and figures for evidence of potential manipulation. To aid investigation, we may request the original data used in the research; any allegations of such unethical activity will be similarly addressed in accordance with our investigation process. Authors should therefore make every effort to retain the unprocessed raw data. If intentional manipulation is found without appropriate declaration, we reserve the right to reject the work if under consideration or issue a post-publication notice for published material as per the guidelines specified by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE); we may also contact your institution.
Informed consent
As a researcher and member of a trusted academic community, you have an ethical obligation and responsibility to conduct your research in adherence to national and international research ethics guidelines, as well as the ethical principles outlined by your discipline and any relevant authorities, and to be transparent about your research methods in such a way that all involved in the publication process may fairly and appropriately evaluate your work.
Informed consent means that you must inform all participants in your work (or their legal representative) as to why the research is being conducted, whether their anonymity is protected, how their data will be stored and used, and whether there are any associated risks from participation in the study. You must therefore ensure that the submitted work confirms that informed consent was obtained and details how this was addressed. This is required for all research involving human participants, and the need for permission is not limited to medical studies. You should equally be aware of and adhere to any legal or institutional requirements regarding data protection.
Examples of how to document informed consent and ethical approval where required are shown below, and can be tailored as befits your research.
Ethical approval must have been obtained prior to commencing the research. If your work has a medical focus and/or there is an identifiable human participant involved (including individuals, samples, or data), you must obtain clearance from your institutional ethics board. Be aware that many countries require ethical approval for studies that contain human participants even when they are not identifiable.
You must further confirm that essential recognised standards, such as the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (the Declaration of Helsinki) have been followed to minimise harm to the individuals taking part. As per the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the privacy rights and welfare of human subjects must always be observed and respected.
You must be prepared to provide further information, including anonymised data, upon request about the study’s design, ethical approval, and the informed consent process, along with any other questions that may arise, even post-publication, and you should therefore retain copies of written consent to participate in the research.
You must provide an appropriate ethical statement within the submitted work confirming that your research received institutional and national (or international) ethical approval, and that it complies with all relevant guidelines and regulations for studies involving humans, whether that be data, individuals, or samples. Specifically, the statement should contain the name and location of the institutional ethics reviewing committee or review board, the approval number, the date of approval, and the details of the national or international guidelines that were followed, as well as any other relevant information.
If no approval was granted, you must be able to provide sufficient evidence for why your work should be exempted from this policy. You should also include details of how the work adheres to relevant consent guidelines as described below, along with confirming that informed consent was secured for all participants. The details of these statements should ensure that author and participant anonymity is not compromised.
Any work submitted without a suitable ethical statement and details of informed consent for all participants, where required, will be returned to the authors and will not be considered further until appropriate and clear documentation is provided. Emerald reserves the right to reject work without sufficient evidence of informed consent from human participants.
These statements are provided as examples of how to document informed consent and ethical approval where required. The statements shown are illustrative and can be tailored as befits your research.
Ethical approval
This is to confirm that the research study titled “[…]” has adhered to all applicable ethical standards and guidelines throughout the research process. This research was approved by the [Institutional Ethics Body] on [Date and Ethics Approval Number], and it was conducted following the ethical guidelines set forth by [National/International/Relevant Ethical Guidelines].
Informed consent
Prior to commencing data collection, the participants were provided with detailed information about the study’s procedures and fully informed about the purpose of the research and the study’s aims, their rights as respondents (including the right to refuse participation or withdraw from the study at any time), and the measures taken to ensure their confidentiality and anonymity. Written informed consent was obtained from all [Participants/Their Legal Representatives] before taking part in the study.
Furthermore, the authors confirm that the study adheres to the relevant ethical guidelines for human participants, and that it followed ethical measures in compliance with institutional and international guidelines, including:
- Maintaining and respecting the autonomy, confidentiality, and anonymity of all respondents throughout the study via [Describe how the Data Were Collected].
- Using collected data solely for the purposes outlined in the study.
- Ensuring transparency in data handling and reporting.
- Avoiding any form of coercion or undue influence in securing participation.
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