Choose your open access route
You can publish open access in any of our journals through our gold, green and diamond routes.
If you have already published in a subscription journal and would like to make your paper open access, you can submit a request through our retrospective open access policy and follow the green open access, or self-archiving, route.

Green open access
Our green open access route offers all Emerald journal authors or book chapter authors the option to make their research immediately and openly available upon official publication, free from payment.
We are one of only a handful of publishers that doesn’t impose an embargo period.
Gold open access
Publish in a fully open journal
All articles published in our fully open access journals are published gold OA. Your article will undergo full peer review and you will be invoiced for the article processing charge (APC).
Publish in a hybrid journal
You can choose to publish gold open access in any of our journals by indicating on the editorial system when you submit your paper.
Your article will undergo full peer review and you will be invoiced for the article processing charge (APC). We make sure that paying subscribers to the journal are not charged to access the open content.
Diamond open access
We publish diamond, also referred to as sponsored, open access journals in partnership with organisations such as universities and associations. There are no processing charges associated with these.
Article processing charges
We have an article processing charge (APC) rate of £3,040/$4,105/€3,500 (plus VAT where applicable) for publishing in a hybrid journal.
This covers the cost of turning a manuscript into a published article and disseminating it to the widest audience.
Prices are plus VAT where applicable.
For our new fully open access journals, APCs will be waived for manuscripts submitted in the first year. Thereafter, the APC will be as set out in the table below.
We determine the APC of our open access journals by benchmarking against comparable journals in the same or closely aligned research field and taking into account editorial, production, archiving and promotion values and costs.
Publication name | £ | $ | € |
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management | £2,000 | $2,680 | €2,380 |
International Perspectives of Health Equity | £1,250 | $1,500 | €1,440 |
Journal of Responsible Production and Consumption | £1,250 | $1,500 | €1,440 |
Quality Education for All | £1,250 | $1,500 | €1,440 |
Review of Economics and Political Science | £1,250 | $1,500 | €1,440 |
Urbanization, Sustainability and Society | £1,250 | $1,500 | €1,440 |
Prices are plus VAT where applicable.
ICE gold open access journal
Publication name | £ | $ | € |
Geotechnical Research | £1,250 | $1,500 | €1,440 |
ICE Publishing hybrid journals
Briefing papers in ICE journals
Publication type | £ | $ | € |
Briefing papers | £690 | $1,115 | €850 |

Are you eligible for an open access publishing voucher?
We partner with libraries and consortia to offer authors prepaid vouchers to publish their work openly.
Want to find out more about publishing open access in our journals?
Please fill in the form opposite and one of our team will be in touch